Courtney's POV
I don't like school. Tehya and Maddy are my only friends besides my sister. Daddy has been busy with my brothers. I know they're babies but I miss when it was just daddy, sissy and I. It's not fair.
"Hey deafie" I heard Alex say
"Leave me alone!" I said
Tommy then pushed me and I started to cry.
"You a baby! Babies cry!" Tommy said
"Leave my sissy alone!" Darcy said and pushed Tommy.
"You okay sissy?"Darcy smiled and I only nodded.
"Everyone we have a new student. Her name is Tiegan. Please make her feel welcome" ms. Calder said
"Hi I'm Tiegan" a girl came over and said to Darcy and I.
"I'm Darcy and this is my sister Courtney" Darcy said
"Hi!" Tiegan said
"Okay kids art time" ms. Calder said
I then made a picture of daddy, papa, Darcy, me, and my brothers. After art I played with Maddy and Tiegan. I learned that she had two daddies like me.
Maybe 1st grade wouldn't be so bad.
Harry's POV
Lucas was sleeping and Cory would not stop crying and it was stressing me out. I have tried everything and Louis was not home. He was at an interview for a job. I hope it's a good one. We really need the money with 4 kids and me staying home to take care of two babies. I could see that Courtney was still upset so I decided that I was going to get her involved with helping with the baby.
"Love I'm back" Louis yelled
"In here!" I yelled from the living room trying to calm Cory down.
"I got the job! I'll be the manager at a bar/club. I know it's not the best job but it's makes a decent amount of money." Louis said
"It's not the best job I think but if it will help us then I don't care." I said
"Thanks love" Louis said and kissed me. Cory continued to cry.
"Cory Shh please calm down. What do you want? I fed you, changed you, sang to you, I've done everything. What you want?" I stressed as I kissed his forehead.
"Give him to me" Louis said and I handed him over to Louis and he stopped crying.
"Well I guess we know who he'll be close to. He must have missed you" I said
"You giving daddy a hard time buddy?" Louis said and kissed his forehead making him giggle.
"He missed me" Louis said
"Well you are his father" I said with a smile
"I'm sorry Hazz. I never should have left when you told me you were pregnant with the girls" Louis said sadly
"You're here now and that's all that matters" I said and kissed him.
"I've got to go pick up the girls. I'll bring Lucas with me so you and Cory can bond" I said and went to get Lucas and his diaper bag.
"Bye love" I said once I had Lucas and left to get the girls.
At Darcy and Courtney's school
"Daddy!" Courtney and Darcy ran over to me.
"Hi Lucas!" Darcy said and Courtney was a little hesitant
"Go on Courtney. Say hi to Lucas he won't bite." I said and bent down to Courtney and Darcy's level.
"Hi Lucas" courtney said and Lucas started to giggle and make grabby hands at Courtney meaning he want her to hold her.
"He wants you to hold him Courtney" I said and kissed her forehead
"Can I daddy?" Courtney asked
"maybe when we get home" I said
"Daddy! I made new friend today her name is Tiegan! She has two daddies too!" Courtney said excitedly
"Really?! That's great princess! Maybe you can invite her over sometime. Now let's get home. Your papa is probably freaking out being with Cory alone." I said and left with the girls and Lucas. Once we were home I was completely wrong. Louis and Cory were sleeping together on the couch.
"Daddy hold Lukey now?" Courtney asked and I said sure
Darcy ran off to play and I sat Courtney down on a recliner and helped her hold Courtney. After I made sure Courtney was supporting her brothers head. I took a picture with Courtney smiling. I then took a picture of Louis and Cory. I took this chance while Louis was sleeping to talk to Courtney
"Courtney you know I love you right?" I said and signed
"Yes daddy!" Courtney said
"Well I love your brothers and sister. How about from now on when your home from school and I'm doing something with your brothers you and your sister help me. That is if you want?" I said
"Okay daddy! I help!" Courtney said happily
"Now let's get Lucas to bed" I said and took him from Courtney
"I help!" Courtney said. I then went upstairs with Courtney and she helped me put her brothers pajamas on. I then got her and her sister something to eat and then put them both to bed.
"I love you both" I said and kissed Darcy and Courtney who was already sleeping. Before I left the room I whispered into Courtney's ear "you don't know how much you and your brothers and sisters mean to me. Especially you and Lucas. You are both my miracle children. To think I almost lost you and Lucas. I love you my miracle child." I said and kissed her forehead one more time and left the room.

Harry Styles Single Father (mpreg)
FanfictionAdventures of Harry and Louis with the kids