Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

I have felt like my whole world stopped when my boys were taken. I know I have Louis and the girls but Lucas and Cory are only 1. They are just babies. They can't fend for themselves. Why does this always happen. I feel so depressed. I want my babies back. I cried and cried as I was locked in Louis and I's room. I want my babies!

Louis' POV

I can tell this is taking a toll on Harry. He has not come out of his room and it's been two days since the boy were taken. The police have not heard a word from the person who took them.

"Papa?" Darcy asked

"Yes sweetie?" I asked her as I put her on my lap and Courtney sat by my side.

"Why daddy sad? He no play with us" Darcy said

"Daddy no love us" courtney asked and started to cry

"Of course he loves you. He's just sad" I said trying to calm two little girls down

Just then there was a loud crash through a window

"Duck!" I yelled and ducked with the girls close to me as a brick was thrown through our window causing the girls to scream. I was surprised when Harry ran down in a panic.

"What happened?" Harry said worried

"Daddy!" Courtney said and ran over to Harry with Darcy and cried into his chest. He looked like he hasn't slept I'm two days or even showered or eaten.

I walked over to the brick and picked up to see a note attached.

Harry doesn't deserve you. I do. If you want your precious sons back. Come to the bridge where meetings are. You know what I'm talking about. Come at 11pm sharp with 15000 or your precious sons die" I read and grasped the paper tightly in anger

"What is it?" Harry choked

"Don't worry love. Why don't you and the girls go get some sleep" I said and kissed Harry. Harry nodded and picked the girls up.

"Daddy stinky!"Darcy said and I laughed.

"Go get some sleep" I said and kissed Harry and he headed upstairs with the girls. I then went to my secret stash and got 15000. I would do anything for my family. I then drove to the bridge where I used to have gang meetings. Once I was there I got the money and headed to the bridge.

"Who's there! I got your money! Now give me my sons!" I yelled

"Still the same loud and obnoxious Louis I see" I heard a chuckle say

"Who's there!" I yelled

"Hello Louis" a figure emerged from the shadows

"Zayn?! Why are you doing this!" I yelled and noticed he has Lucas and Cory in his hands struggling

"Papa!" Lucas yelled

"Papa!" Cory yelled

"Shut up you brats! You have been nothing but trouble" zayn yelled

"Zayn let them go!" I yelled

"I don't think so. Where's my money?" Zayn yelled

I threw it at him and he pulled out a gun.

"So how is your precious Harry. You know I was always better than him. I should have had you. Not him he's too innocent. You know I'm sure he would make a good corpse" zayn smirked.

"Don't touch him or my children" I yelled in anger

Zayn then dropped my children hard to the ground causing them to cry. I then attacked zayn and next thing I knew a gun shot went off.

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