Harry's POV
I'm six months pregnant and my daughter is 3 months. Louis and I decided that we wanted our baby to remain a surprise. I hope it's only one baby but Louis keeps scaring me saying it's going to be more than one. I mean I've already given him four kids how many more does he want! I think we're going to have to move soon. We don't have the room. I was sitting on the couch looking through a photo album when I came across one of my favorite pictures. It was a picture of me kissing Courtney and Louis holding Darcy when they were about 3.
"Dad! I'm going out!" Darcy said
"Call if you're going to be late this time" I said and looked through the pictures continuously.
"I will! Bye" Darcy said and kissed my cheek. She then ran out the door and I heard her say by to her brothers
"Dad we're hungry" Cory said
"Alright alright" I said and got up off the couch just as Courtney was coming down.
"Can you get them something to eat?" I asked Courtney and she nodded. Cory and Lucas then ran I to the kitchen with Courtney following them. After they ate I got them in the car along with Courtney and headed to the hospital
We both had appointments today. Once we were there I checked in and waited.
"Harry Tomlinson and Courtney Styles Tomlinson.
"Courtney in room 3 and Harry in room 4 please" the nurse said. I then went to my room with Lucas following me and Cory following Dad.
Courtney's POV
I laid down on the bed with Lucas sitting by me and then the doctor came in."Hello Courtney how are you?" The dr said
"I'm good." I said
"That's good now let's see how this baby is doing" the doctor said and I lifted my shirt up and he put the cold gel on the stomach.
"The baby is looking healthy." The doctor said and I smiled at my baby's picture. I then heard a thumping sound.
"And that is the baby's heartbeat. It's pretty healthy" the doctor said
"When will I know what I'm having?" I asked
"At your next appointment" the doctor said
"I'm going to print some picture" the doctor said and gave me something to wipe my stomach off with. She then came back with my pictures in the envelope.
"Any questions?" The doctor said
"No" I said and left the room with my brother waiting for my dad.
Harry's POV
"Well harry it like like your babies are healthy?" The doctor said
"You said babies. As in more than one" I said
"Yes you are having twins again" the doctor said and I sighed
"Would you like to know the gender?" The doctor said
"No my husband and I want it to be a surprise" I said
"Okay well I'll go print the pictures." I then wiped off my stomach and he came back with the pictures. I then left the room and made mine and Courtney's next appointment. I can't believe I'm having twins again. Louis and I need to talk about moving.
What should the genders be? Leave comments
The picture harry looks at in the photo album is the one on the side

Harry Styles Single Father (mpreg)
FanfictionAdventures of Harry and Louis with the kids