"P-please Blake....don't d-do this." I said afraid.
I was so scared of what Blake would do now that he was out of prison. I wanted my dads. I wish they were here.
"Don't tell me what to do! I'm in charge you understand?! Not you! Me!" Blake yelled in anger.
"Please Blake I have children I n-need to get home to." I said frightened.
"Shut up! You're mine! You understand! Not Skyler's!" Blake yelled.
"Please Blake you need help." I say scared
"No I don't!" Blake yelled and moved the knife closer to my neck.Harry's POV
I'm so worried. I just got a call from Skyler saying that Courtney has not come home yet. She was supposed to be home an hour ago. Normally I don't worry but I just feel like something is wrong. I'm so worried for my baby girl.
"Harry where are you going?" Louis asked as I put my coat and shoes on.
"Somethings wrong. Skyler called and said Courtney never came home from work. I'm going out to look for her please watch the kids." I said and ran out the door and to the car before Louis could say anything.
Please. Please God. Please let my princess be alright. I thought as I drove around looking for my princess.
I've been looking for an hour when I see something in an alley on my way back. I decide to park my car and walk closer.Courtney's POV
"Please Blake. D-Don't do this." I say as Blake slammed me to the floor and started to rip my shirt. He then ripped my bra and started to feel my boobs up. He then lowered the knife to my side and left a cut. He then undid my pants and cut my underwear with the knife. I was naked and cold in front of my crazy ex-boyfriend. I couldn't help but shake in fear.
"Please Blake. If you really love me don't do this. Please." I begged as tears filled my eyes.
"You are mine. Nothing will change that. No matter how many times they send me to prison you will always belong to me." Blake said with a smirk and next thing I knew he was raping me. I screamed but he just slapped me and kissed me to shut me up as he cut me up and felt me up. Once he was done he smirked and fixed himself.
"That was fun. I can't wait to do it again babe. I'll be in touch about Axel." Blake said and left me in the alley cold and naked.About 15 minutes later I heard foot prints again. I closed my eyes in fear as tears built in my eyes. I was so scared it was Blake again.
"Oh my god! Courtney!" I heard the all too familiar voice of my dad Harry.
When he saw me he knelt by me and covers me with his jacket. As he held me in his arms I let it all out and just broke down.
"Daddy! I'm so sorry!" I said as I cried into his chest.
"Shh I'm sorry princess I should have come and gotten you from work. Let's get you home." My dad said and helped me up. I winced in pain as I walked and I guess my dad noticed because next thing I knew he was carrying me to his car and he set me down. And began to drive home.
"Courtney this is not your fault so do not blame yourself. Do you understand me?" My dad said as he drove.
"I understand." I say as I just looked out the window. I looked at my dad for a minutes and saw that he had tears slipping. I could tell he was hurting from what just happened. We both were.
Once my dad stopped driving he picked me up and helped me inside without talking to papa and just lead me upstairs and into the bathroom. He started a bath for me and then set me in.
"Just try and relax and take a bath. I'll get some fresh clothes for you princess." My dad said and left the bathroom and came back 10 minutes later with some fresh clothes.
Before he left my dad knelt down by me and kissed my forehead.
"You are beautiful your scars make you stronger my princess. I will always love you no matter what and your father and I will help you through this no matter what." My dad said with a slight smile and left. I had the best dad in the world and I would get through this pain as long as I had my dad Harry and the rest of my family.

Harry Styles Single Father (mpreg)
Fiksi PenggemarAdventures of Harry and Louis with the kids