I can't believe that my baby is 1 year old. Axel is a mini me and I am glad. I'm glad he's not like his father Blake. My dads have helped me moved into an apartment with Skyler. I know we may be moving fast but he is so good with Axel and really does treat him like his own. Axel had gotten a new prosthetic leg thanks to my dad Louis. I'm glad he's helping because I can't afford how much they are right now.
"Mommy look!" I hear Axel.
"What is it?" I ask
Axel then stands up on his own and I quickly press record on my phone. Axel starts to walk towards me. Once he's in my arms I stop recording and hug him.
"Good job baby!" I say and kiss him.
"How about we celebrate by going to the park and getting ice cream!" I say
"Yay!" Axel says and we get his shoes and put them on.
I put my shoes and coat on and then get axels coat. We were about to leave when Axel stopped me.
"What is it Axel? Something wrong?" I ask
"I bring my toy wion!" Axel says. Axel has this got lion that I got him when he was born. He loves it and doesn't go anywhere without it.
"Okay let's go get Mr. Snuggles" I say and help him up the stairs. I get the lion and hold axels hand as we go back downstairs and we leave. I lock the house and then head to the park first. Once we are there. I put Axel in a swing and start to push him for a bit. He then says he wants to go in the sand box.
I then stop and he goes over to the sandbox.
"He's cute" I hear someone say
"I agree!" Someone else says
"He's adorable!"
I turn around to see Tehya, Maddy and Dakota.
"It's been so long!" I say and we group hug.
"is he yours!" Maddy asks
"Yeah. He's one and just started walking today" I say
"That's so cute" Tehya says
"Mommy?" Axel says as I feel him put on my pant leg. I pick him up and he hides his face.
"Sorry he's really shy when meeting new people" I say
"It's okay" Dakota says
"Axel these are mommy and aunt Darcy's friends Maddy, Tehya, and Dakota" I say
"Hi" Axel says and shyly waves.
"We were just about to get ice cream. Want to join?" I ask my friends and they all nod
Once we had all gotten our ice cream my friends and I talked while Axel say on my lap.
"So who's the father?" Maddy asks
Tears start to come to my eyes as I think of Blake.
"Now look what you did!" Tehya says
"Oh my god! Courtney I'm sorry" Maddy says worriedly
"Mommy no cry!" Axel says and stands on my knees and wipes my tears and I hug him
"Thank you Axel" I say and kiss him.
"Blake is" I say
"Are you kidding me! That jerk!" Tehya screams
"It doesn't matter he's in jail and I've been with someone else for a year" I say
"Really who?!" All three of the girls say at the same time.
"His names Skyler Collins and he really treats me better that Blake did. He also treats Axel like his own son" I say
"That's great! When can we meet him!"
"Maybe tomorrow. I need to get home and give this little guy a nap" I say
"It's was great seeing you Courtney! Stay in touch!" Maddy says and all three of us exchange numbers and I leave with Axel in my arms. When we arrive back to the apartment I see that Skyler is home.
"Skyler?" I call as I open and close the door
"In here!" He yells from the kitchen.
"Hey" I say and kiss him
"How was work?" I ask
"The usual. Where were you all day" Skyler asks
"I was at the park with some friend and Axel" I say
"Well I'm glad your home. Looks like somebody is tired" Skyler says
"Yeah let me put him down for a nap" I say
"Please let me" Skyler says and takes Axel in his arms and take shim to his room and I sit down on the couch. When Skyler comes back we cuddle and watch a movie. Could life be anymore perfect? I thought

Harry Styles Single Father (mpreg)
FanfictionAdventures of Harry and Louis with the kids