Chapter 4

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Sid's pov

I entered in my room & closed the door , I cant believe what just happened OMG Im jumping in excitement what just happened ,I...I..ash I should call her ,I quickly called her & after 5 6 rings she answered my call
"ash , ash u cant believe wt just happened" I said
" did u sort out the differences with ur mom & bro"
Aghhh this girl " y u always want to ruin my mood" I asked her
" I toh just asked " she replied "anyways leave it u know wt just happend"
"no , I dont know " she said
"ukw its waste talking to u" & I was abt to cut the call
when she said " acha acha sry say wt happened"
"u cant believe I met her today " "whom ?...wait u met her ?" she asked "yes yes yes I met her I met my.............. angel "
"wowww , u r not kidding right? " she asked &
I replied " Im damn serious ash"
" really?"
"yes , & uk she is more beautiful in real , she is truly like an angel , & her smile thats a million dollar smile man , &..."
"Hold on before starting ur avneet puraan atleast tell me how u met her?"she asked
then I narrated her whole thing " & uk ash when she took my name na that was it for me I never thought my name can sound that great & her voice is so sweet yaar "
"ohho teri angel ne naam kya le liya khud ke naam se he pyar hogaya "she started her dialogues ughh this girl & her bollywood fever
"ohh just shut up Ms.bollywood , itni ghatiya dialogues aate kahan se hai tere paas" ,
"whatever , Btw u met her today ? I mean she is ur brother's close frnd right then too u met her after so long"she said
" coz dumbo she was in chandigarh for her shoot " I said
" ohh I dont need to ask how u know this cz obviously u stalk her right?"
"right & uk I acted so dumb in front of her"
"there's no need to act u r already dumb "
"ashnoor stop it "
"acha sry , wt u did?" she asked
"woh , I didnt had my fan moment , like I didnt even told her that Im her fan , she was in my arms & I was staring her like a creep what she is gonna think abt me , but uk I cant help she is so beautiful mann her chocolate brown eyes I was lost in them , & her smile is angelic "
"chill bro , & u did the right thing by not saying her abt u being a fan coz she daily meets numerous fans & that is normal for her but u try to be her frnd & dont even say her that u r her fan no no craziest fan "
"are u sure do u think she will be my frnd & y so "
"coz u r abhishek's brother & she is close to him & also I heard that she loves to make frnds & she is kind & sweet ,so y wont she"
"whatever bye " & I end the call after talking with my angel's picture & saying her how much Im excited after meeting her I slept


After 2 days


I was in my room when I felt thirsty so I was going in kitchen to take the water when I heard door bell sm1 opened the door & here comes my angel she is in my home now

Avu:hello peeps
Va& vaishu:hii avu

She went & hugged mother & vaishu di

Avu:watsup bhabhi

Bhabhi? Ohh she calls di's bf brother na maybe thats y

Vaishu:yaar avu not again

Angel then turned to me & she shouted in excitement "hello baby "
What ? Baby? Me? Is she calling me , obvious dumbo theres no1 here except me , I looked here & there there was no 1 except me in this direction wait? Is she drunk or what if no then y she is calling me baby I again heard "baby come na " I was about to go when sm1 run & jumped on her wtf sid chop hogyi teri seriously she was calling him & not me

Avu:wasooli my baby I missed u so much

He started licking her ,okay I know they both love each other obviously I saw in her stories then after meeting with her baby she looked at me & said

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He started licking her ,okay I know they both love each other obviously I saw in her stories then after meeting with her baby she looked at me & said

Avu:Hii siddharth (smilingly)

Haayee y my name feels so good from her

Sid:hii an...avneet

Then she sat with vaishu dii & started talking with them & u must be thinking wt Im doing Im taking glances at her after sometime I got a call so I went out & started talking after almost 10 mins I ended the call & saw that angel's coming outside
She went near her car & was looking worried I went near her

Sid:hey , wht happened
Sid:kya (confused)
Avu:car punctured

Then I saw she was calling sm1 then she said

Avu:y wont this boy pick my calls when I need him

She is talking abt whom ? Should I drop her ? Yes I should

Sid:I can drop u
Avu:no its ok Ill book a cab
Sid:umm..see its not safe , I can drop u
Sid:its late too
Avu:okay fine

We both sat in my car & started driving okay Im with her & that too alone should I start the convo but how ? I was thinking how to start when she said

Avu:so watsup

She chuckles god she is too cute

Avu:I mean wt r u doing these days I heard u wanna be an actor so..(she was cut off by her phone)

Phone convo
Avu:hii love
Avu:no, Im going home
Avu:actually my car punctured
Avu:chill baby Im with abhi bhai's brother
Avu:godd u r impossible he isnt gonna kidnap me , fine Ill call u once I reach home
Avu:yeah bye love u too
(She ended the call)

What ? Love? She is in relationship? Yeah ofcourse y can't she is damn beautiful ...who the hell is he yaar wt does he think she is not safe with me? Kidnap ? He is surely a dumbo huhh
Just then she ended the call

She turned to me & she was about to say smtg when she again recieved a phone, godd y cant any1 let us talk she was talking on phone & also guiding me she said" haan rii" rii? Oh yeah that stupid maybe ofcourse I dont like him , he is too close with her & also people ship him with her #rineet I agree they look good but not as good as couple ok if u ship them as frnds its good but I just dont understand y some people ship them as a couple huhhh

While on call

Avu:haan ri bol
Avu:yaar ok fine
Avu:haan teek hai Ill call u once I reached home
Avu:yeah bye...shutup idiot

Finally she ended the call

Avu:sry wt were u saying
Sid:ntg wohh...
Avu:stop , we reached , come na
Sid:nhi its ok Ill leave
(I wanted to talk with her man but whole way we were disturbed by phones 😣)
Avu:okay , bye see u soon

I drove back home


Hey guys💓
so here's the 4th chapter
I hope u like it
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