Chapter 16

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Sid's pov:

I opened my eyes when sun rays hit my face Ahhh...fuck my whole body hurts I was trying to get up when I looked at my side and saw that Angel.was sleeping in a very uncomfortable position she is basically sitting and her head is resting on head board I then looked at our hands which were intervined and her grip on my hand became tight  a smile crept on my face looking at that I then looked at her face and I felt pang in my heart looking at the tear stains on her face all last night memories came back to me shitt I told her my past,  I shouldn't have said that she is hell sensitive she cried coz of me God. ..wait where I am Imsure I wasnt drunk last night maybe IT coz of emotional outburst I don't remember anything, I then.looked at my surroundings shit Im at her home what if anyone saw me here with her,  I was at her home last night shit it may cause trouble to her if her parents find me with her in same room, I should leave, I cant give more trouble to her I somehow manage to take out my hand from her grip I went on her side and made her sleep properly covered her with duvet

Thankyou Angel for being there with me when I needed someone
I took my phone and get out of the room I was going downstairs silently when I saw jai


He looked at me and came towards me before he says anything I started speaking

Sid:jai I don't know how I came here,  it was not avni's fault pls don't say anything to her,  she was just helping me,  and pls don't say anything to uncle Aunty anyhow Im leaving now
(I said everything in one single breath)
Jai:good morning to u too siddharth

Im confused he just have this much to say after all these

Jai:dont get confused Muski already informed us abt u yesterday only and even momma papa knows that u r here we don't have any problem , yesterday u saw us na u don't remember?

I shook my head

Jai:okay no problem may be u don't remember and..

He was about to say smtg when Aman uncle came

Au: siddharth beta good morning,  aur yeh Kya beta ur face,  u took medicine

I again shook my head, WT happened to my face?  Ohh maybe due to yesterday's fight my face is bruised up

Au:beta u need doctor,  do one thing go and get ready till then Ill call doctor (to jai) jai give him clothes

He nodded then I went in the guest room with uncle he saw Angel sleeping he went near her bead and sat on the edge he ruffled her hairs and said "good morning princess"
She didnt even moved just then jai came he looked at me and said "muski ko dekhe bina papa ki morning he nhi hoti Hai ,papa ke day Ka first work hota Hai iss khumbkaran KO uthana"he said looking at both of them where uncle was trying to wake her up I took clothes from him and went in bathroom after completing my morning chores I came out and saw that no one was there maybe angel is in her room I went downstairs aunty looked at me and she came to me and said worriedly

Sa:beta what is this?  Is this hurting a lot

She said looking at my face

I shook my head and said "aunty Im fine"

Just then uncle and Angel came aunty said to uncle

Sa:aman call doctor
Au:I already called lets have breakfast till then he must be coming they both need doctor
All:both? (Except au and avni)

Au:look at her wrist it is bruised
Jai:how ?are u mad what its looking so bad

He said looking at her wrist
I think she got hurt when she was trying to stop both of us and also due to my hold

Then aunty told everyone to have breakfast everyone sat on dining table and started breakfast Angel was about to start her breakfast when jai scold her and snatched the spoon from her hand he took spoon near her mouth and started feeding her

They r so cute yaar he really cares alot for her

After breakfast doctor came and he checked our wounds and he gave some painkillers and ointments

I have to talk to angel I didnt got a chance from morning I saw her in the living room I was about to go there when I heard she was saying to aunty

Angel:mumma Im going for that meeting its imp u pls be with sid don't even leave him for a min and ask him to take rest if he didnt listen to u na then scold him okay Ill leave now
Sa:sure beta but u take care of urself and yeah who's going with u
Sa:ok and if u don't feel well come back and take care

She said hugging her nd kissing her on forehead Angel bid bye to her and left

From morning aunty is with me right now Im in guest room and aunty is sitting beside me caressing my hairs idk when I slept

POV ends

Where as it was already 4pm when avu returns home she first went and checked sid he was sleeping then she  had her lunch and Sonia  asked her to take rest she went  in her room and slept

Avu woke up due to her phone she picks the call
Sm1:hello Avneet maam he signed the contract
Avu: what?
Sm1:yes maam
Avu: but before u said that he had some conditions and all
Sm1:no maam now he is ready to work with us on our  terms and conditions
Avu: really?
Sm1:yes maam
Avu: listen to me carefully u r going to work on his terms and conditions Ill talk with direct and producers okay?
Sm1:ok maam
Avu: and u didnt told him anything about me right? And when is his meeting
Sm1:yes maam we didnt said anything to him about u and he is gonna meet us on Saturday
Avu: ok bye

And she hungs up she looked at the watch and its 9:30pm
She freshen up and went in Sid's room
She knocks on the door he looked at her

Avu: hii, how r u feeling now
Sid:better and how's your wrist
Avu: its fine yaar its just papa and jai reacts too much
Sid:thanku and sorry
Sid:thanks for yesterday for being with me and not leaving me
She smiled
Sid:and sorry for yesterday
Pointing at her wrist
Avu:its okay yaar Im fine
so WT r u doing
Sid:umm ntg just checking some flats
Avu: why (shouts)
Sid:coz I don't want to return to that home
Avu: ok fine but live here na
Sid:u know I cant
Avu: kyuu
Sid:avni try to understand I don't want to trouble anyone
Avu: u r not trouble for us sid

Sonia aunty came to call them for dinner

Avu: mumma wait
Sa: what
Avu: mumma he wants to leave from here
sa:so u r going home?
Sid:no way aunty Im checking some flats
Sa:then NO
Sid:aunty but
Sid: but..
Sa:no ifs and buts sid dear u can stay here as long as u want and don't ever think u r trouble to us ok?  U r like my son beta ok now u two come dinner is ready

He reluctantly agred to stay in her home

Later everyone had dinner and then slept in their own rooms

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