Chapter 32

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Avneet and siddharth were on outdoor shoot
Sid was sitting outside of his vanity van discussing some scene while avu was giving her shot

Sid's pov:

I saw angel coming and she drop herself on chair beside me
She looks damn tired she's giving back to back shots from morning

"are u okay ? u look tired" I asked her
She looked at me and said "Im good"

Its a weird thing about her She never accept that she is tired

Her phone rings she ignored the call
After a few more rings she finally answer the call getting irritated with constant ringing

"hello" she said in an annoyed
"okay its fine anything else"
"yeah its okay"
"y dont u just come to the point"
She took a pause
"dont thank me Im not doing anything for u its just they both mean world to me and Im doing this for them"
"yeah bye"

She sighed

"reem?" I asked
"yeah reem and anushka"she replied
"like really after 3 days"
She just nodded
"and what are u doing and for whom"
"you really need to stop listening my call conversations u know " she said
I smiled sheepishly

"anyways its just rii and jai are not talking to them still so they want my help"
"u will forgive her?"
"I already did "
"really? U cried like hell 3 days back coz of them and u just forgave them instantly woww like wow"
"okay stop I know I behave like a jerk that day but Im good now so that doesnt matter"

Krupa was right she really forgive people easily but thats a good thing for me she forgive me immediately that day when I apologize

I was called for the shot and I went

Pov ends

Avu was sitting in her vanity alone she leaned back on her chair and closed her eyes just then a phone rings she groaned
"Ill throw all these phones"

It was sid's phone ringing
She didnt picked it up as she didnt want to answer his calls

But after a lot of missed calls she thought may be its some emergency
She looked at the caller id ashnoor she answer the call

"where are u siddharth nigam?"
"hii he is on shoot"
"sorry who's this?"
"hii avneet kaur"
"what ! like avneet kaur omg avneet kaur Im your biggest fan maam I cant believe Im talking to u"
"thats so sweet of u anyways sid is giving a shot is it anything urgent ?"
"nhi I wanted to inform him that Im coming to India by the end of this week"
"oh okay Ill ask him to call you once he's done with shoot"
"nhi wait dont tell him anything angel lets give him a surprise"
"sorry what angel?"
"ohh sorry its all sid's fault he just keep calling u angel all the time na its just stuck in my head"
"what! Y would sid call me angel but he toh calls me avni" she asked shocked and confused
"arey he calls u angel from past 3 years since the time he developed a crush on u like he is your biggest fan ever I think after me"
"okay u r kidding right"
"no maam Im not , wait dont tell me u dont know abt this he still didnt tell u I cant believe "
"are u serious"
"yeah , shit now Im gone he will kill me for this I shouldnt have tell u abt this crush thingy"
"its okay relax ashnoor he wont do anything okay bye"

She ends the call

Avu's pov:

He is my fan I cant believe he behaved like he saw me for the first time when we met If I would have met any of my celebrity crush main toh pagal hojati

Okay everything makes sense now he knowing abt my favourites , the reason he never behaved rudely with me , this is the reason he listens to me, and this is y he got over nervous on the first day of shoot shit avneet u should have guess it

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