chapter 19

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Avu was in her room when there was a knock on her door she opens the door and sid was standing there

Avu: I swear I heard a knock but y no one is there
Sid: avni pls yaar don't ignore na Im sorry

She was about to turn when sid held her wrist and pinned her to the wall

Sid:will u pls listen to me

She didnt said anything and just turns her face to the other side

Sid:avni yaar listen Im really sorry I know I shouldn't have done that but I was just so frustrated after vaishu Di's text

She looked at him as he said that

Sid:yeah I got a text from dii and I just lost my temper and that happened I know its my fault u never went to police station but today u came coz of me Im just creating problems for u first that fight then Im living here than today Im sorry for everything Im...
Avu: chuppppp (yells) God can u just shut up
And pls can we sit and talk

He noticed their position and left her
They both sat on her bed

Avu: and now just listen to me
Do u really think Im mad at u coz I have to come to the police station? No ,sid I wasnt mad at u for that I called u my frnd I will always be there for u when u need me okay?
Sid:that means u was not mad at me for that
Avu: no
Sid:then whats the reason u were mad at me
Avu:Sid today ur first project released and before release u were behind the bars sid u r not a normal guy now ,u entered in this industry now ur life is just not ur life media will always invade ur personal space they will always try to find out whats going on in ur life if by any chance they found out u was in lockup u know what will be tomorrow's headlines "debutant behind the bars "
"Siddharth nigam has major anger issues"and blah blah then anyone will want to work with u no, u just started ur career sid it was ur first ever project the field u r working there is no place for anger sid u have to control these u need to stay calm
Tomorrow there will be people who loves u  but also there will be people who will hate u the field which u chosed u wont only get fans but also the haters how r u gonna deal with them by these anger IMPOSSIBLE sid u need to learn to deal with hate, u need to learn to control ur ange.....sid cuts her off
Sid:whats ur reaction if u read any hate comments
Avu: whats with this out of the blue question
sid :arey say na
Avu: sid we r talking about u not me
Sid:arey pls I always wanted to know these
Avu: always? (Confused)
Sid:a..ab..b..ab..Ababa I mean from the time I met u
Avu: Oooooo
Sid:now will u pls say
Avu: okay I always say that I ignore them and all
Sid:I don't want to know what u say I want to know what u feel
Avu: okay toh sometimes I seriously feel broken I just don't understand y they hate me they don't even know me personally and they give their opinions on me which are ridiculous They trolled me for everything my body, my dance, my parents, my upbringing,  my family,  my acting,  my frndship with rii they trolled me for every single thing but then I realise who r they I don't even  know them infact I dont even know their real names these haters always comment from any fake ids or from a  fanclubs they don't even have the guts to speak from their own ID and they r saying me things atleast I have the guts to come in front of world with my own ID with my real self but who r they I don't even know their existence
Sid:I just cant understand how can someone hate u , u know you r such a gem of a person
:they know that she is a gem thats y they hate her coz they know they can Never reach her level Avneet kaur is the person who they dreamt to be but she is here at the top heights and they r hiding somewhere and commenting shit about her

They both looked at the door and jai enters with an icecream bowl in his hands

Jai:le bhootni Teri ice cream

He gave her the bowl

Jai:so u both r talking abt haters
Avu: he wanted to know how I deal with hate
Jai:sid u know u came to the perfect person then,  she really knows how to handle those assholes , u know she is the strongest girl I ever saw in my life
Sid:u r right she is the strongest girl
Avu :okay okay guys thanku so much (with a dramatic bow )
Jai:u know when these haters were just lying on their beds and commenting shit about her she was busy in working she works for 14 to 16 hours in a day and after that she studies she is just perfect in everything she is not just fulfilling her dream but also she is giving same importance to her studies she is an excellent student she don't even have time to read those useless comments she is busy in making her family proud we all are so proud of her while her haters r just ruining their families name  u know sid these r the same people who posts respect girls and all the shit when something bad happens to a girl and on the other side they troll a girl and the most disgusting peoples are those who owns fanpage of someone and they spread hate about others
Sid:haters are haters right whoever it.maybe
Jai:um, see if in future u both don't have the same bond and ur fans will start trolling her then what will be ur reaction still u love ur fans
sid:no way, no matter what my equation is with her its mine I don't gave the right to anyone to say something to my people whether in future we will be friends or not the time I spent with her is so memorable for me and if my fans cant respect her they can never be my fans and on that point not only her let it be any girl or boy the person who can troll them they can never be my fans,  I can never love them infact Ill be so ashamed of them
jai:see thats my point fanpages are suppose to spread love u love ur idol spread love for them and if u don't like other celebrities just ignore them y the hell u want to troll them who asked u to spread hate against them its not like just ur idol did hardwork every single person in this industry have their own struggle stories no one is here without hardwork wherever they r today its their own journey just focus on ur idols na y the hell do u want to target her every fucking time in these whole process u r not just trolling someone u r torturing them mentally,  u r disrespecting ur own idol u r defaming ur own idol and these people hide behind socialmedia and targets her Im sure if they come in front of her they will be like "avneet maam can I get a selfie pls Im such a big fan of yours"
Avu: ok ok boys stop cursing my haters yaar u know they are the people who let me know that Im successful a person's success is recognized by their haters the more the haters the more the success
Jai:true ,anyways guys Ill leave u two carryon (he kissed her foregead and left from there)

Sid: I cant even imagine how u bare all these from such a small age
Avu: no sid it was not like these from always in the beginning it not used to be like these yeah as time passes I got.more success, recognition,  fame but at the same time I also got all these hate and negativity, in beginning u know there was not much access to socialmedia that time was best u know at this time social media is not just a place to connect with ur fans its sometimes mental torture like everything has its own pros and cons social media too have these
Sid:right , I always thought jai is a fun guy and immature one but he is so mature whatever he said today is so right
Avu: yeah he is more mature than anyone (pause)anyways stop with all these hate what vaishu dii said
Sid:ntg she just text me that her bf is sorry for what he did that day and even she was apologizing on his behalf
Avu: ohh ....ok forget all these u know u was amazing in the mv
Sid:really (with a wide smile)
Avu: yes,  u know u should smile more it suits u not that khadoos look
Sid:its easy for u to say these who have everything perfect in their lives
Avu: yeah right

They were talking on random topics after few mins he left for his room and they both slept


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