Chapter 28

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Sid's pov:

Angel definitely has some kind of effect on me she's this child who knows to live her life to the fullest but she is also mature enough to take the right decisions on her own

Whenever she's around Im really happy for no reason at all , its just her presence that matters to me.

And honestly I find myself falling in love with her

I looked at angel sleeping peacefully in her seat

She looked so cute

I quickly started the car as light turned green and in no time we are at her home I reached on her side opened the door and shook her she slowly open her eyes and gave a sheepish smile

"stop that smile u r going to get a lecture now from jai" I told her
"huhh..lecture nahh a biggg lecture sometime I feel like he is the elder one"she said while collecting her bag and phone from the back seat
"ab tumhari harkate aisi hote hai woh bichara kya kare "I said
She glared me and then again tried to come out "ahhhh"she winced in pain
"the reason he's always after you" I said to her and picked her up in bridal style
"oh hello put me down I can walk on myself"she said
"yeah right with that bandages on your leg" I replied
"you know right if jai saw us like this he will beat you black and blue"she said with a smirk
"stop worring about me and worry about yourself this is the third time in the month you got yourself injured just imagine what will be his reaction"I replied back with the smirk
She just ignored
"waise u r lucky u know u r in my arms , girls there die for these opportunity"I said with the same smirk
"Ohh puhless stop Im not any random girl who's after you Im Avneet Kaur and Im not interested in you at all and also stop these flirting for god sake u r so bad at it"she said

I know she said all these in a playful way but still my heart ached when she said she's not intersted in me I just ignored the feeling and took her inside
she pressed the door bell jai opened the door woww her luck cant be better than this note the sarcasm pls
"what are u two doi..."he stopped in between as his eyes landed on her leg
"WTF muski "he yelled she hide her face in my chest
He glared at me
"she tripped while doing a shot she was being careless asusual" I said in my defence
He carefully took her from my arms and carried her to the living room
Suddenly I felt that warm feeling is taken away from me I followed them inside and saw that he was giving a lecture to her, it sometimes feels like its their daily routine
She looked at me and glared at me dangerously
I chuckled at that she looks so cute when she does this antics
"jai bhai pls nah sar pak gaya hai mera"she whined like a child
"fine "he scowled and sat beside her
I sat on her otherside
She turned to me and said
"Im careless haan?"
"oh yess u are I never saw a careless and clumsy person like u in my whole life" I told her
"huhh.. Thats not call carelessness that call carefree which u can never be"she said back
After our fun banter jai took her in her room for rest

Pov ends

Avu pov:

Im getting super bore in this room I anyhow went down on one leg stumbling  and falling finally I reached hushhh
I took the remote and switch on netflix if I wanted to do this only I can do this even in my room huhh ignore me I sometimes myself  dont know what I want to do
I finally put on a romantic movie , after a while door bell rung and reem comes in she comes to me and carefully hugged me
"how r u" she asked
"maybe fine" I replied
"u r impossible" she laughed
Jai came with her shopping bags
"ohho date" I teased them
Reem blushed
"shopping date for her and punishment for me" jai replied and fell on sofa he turned towards me and asked "u took your meds"
"yeah ammu gave me" I replied
I was engrossed in my movie when I heard them arguing over something
I ignore it but again god they are irritating me now
"kya hai jai idk anything I want it I want it"reem yelled in his ears
My poor brother
"stop behaving childish all the time re behave mature"jai said annoyingly
"Breakup" they both said together and turned opp to each other

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