Chapter 14

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Its been a week now sid visited avu's home thrice in 1 week he became comfortable with her family

In evening

Avu came to nigam's
Avu: hello every1
Abhi :hello baby sis( hugs her)
Avu: Bhai pls Im not baby now (whines like a kid)
Abhi:your  these antics na that proves u r still a kid
avu pouts
vaishu:are u both done we r also here guys
Avu: thats not a new thing we can found u here only na "bhabhi "
Vaishu:avu u na....
Avu:think twice before saying anything I have a surprise for u
vaishu:what? (Excitedly)
Avu: surprise (she hands over a bag to Abhi)
Abhi: thanku avneetay
Avu: OK fine now Ill leave
Abhi: what leave stay for some time na Ill drop u
Avu: nhi Bhai Im tired
Va:r u coming directly from shoots
Avu: Haan aunty
Va:then have smtg na
Avu: nhi aunty Ill leave
she was about to go when sid comes to home

Sid:hey hii avni
Avu: Hii sid
Sid:I was about to come to ur home only
Avu: toh chal
Sid:u know I have smtg very very imp to share with u
Avu: (in mind ) I know what u wanna share
Avu: Haan bol na
Va:ashu do u got offer of any new project
Sid:firstly its siddharth and secondly its none of ur concern (to avu) lets go in my room Ill tell u there
Avu: sid but..(he held her wrist )
Abhi: siddharth wait..u cant talk to mom like these
sid:and who r u to say that?  And kiski mom?yours? (His grip on Avu's hand become tighter )
Abhi: siddharth she is ur mom too don't forget that (shouts)
Sid:dont raise ur voice on me and kaunsi mom did she ever does anything for me which a mother does?  No right,   she is only ur mother not mine (shouts back)
Abhi: u r crossing ur limits
sid:what will u do Haan? (Holds his collar)
Avu: sid leave him
Abhi: u will seriously beat your brother ? I was expecting that only u know what a person like u full of arrogance,  rude, heartless we can expect this only from them
Sid punched him , he punched him back they both started punching and kicking each other girls were trying to stop them and va was standing there numb not able to know what to do her sons were fighting and beating each other like enemies after a lot effort girls separated them
Abhi: I never saw a ungrateful person
like u
Sid:grateful for what?
Abhi: don't forget u r living in our house if u have that much problem with us then get lost from my house
Vaishu:abhi what r u talking

Sid didnt wait for a moment and storms out from there angrily and Abhi also left for his room

Avu: dii don't worry U handle Bhai Ill be with sid
Vaishu:pls avu take care of hin
Avu: I will di

And she runs behind him,  he sat in the car she holds his hand
Sid:I don't wanna hurt u,  don't stop me now (coldly)
Avu: I wont stop u but pls atleast let me come with u pls (she didnt let him say anything and sat on the passenger sit he started driving he was driving harshly after a few mins she shouted )

Avu: sid stop the car, stop right now

He stopped the car,  still he was fuming in anger,  she came out of the car and also asked him to come out of the car and then she  drags him and they both sat on a rock she held his hand and was caressing it they both were sitting there silently when sid suddenly said

Sid:everyone hates me avni
Avu: its not true sid
Sid:even u must be  hating me now how I behaved their its obvious na he is more close to u than me
Avu: not at all sid I don't hate u and I cant and if that would be the case I wont be here na with u

There was a silence for couple of mins until he again started speaking

Sid:u know avni I never get what I wanted in my life everyone I loved left me no one loved me back when dad was alive I was living a perfect life perfect family mom,dad,  Bhai was my whole world when dad left us my whole world shattered he was my superhero but when he left us everything destroyed u know that time I needed mom but what she did she left me,  she sent me to boarding to a different country where everything was unknown to me new place,  new people everything was unknown to me u know how ur parents ask u how was ur day I also wanted that I also wanted to say to sm1 what I went through what I was suffering but no one was there to listen to me
Avu: su..suffering?
Sid:I got bullied in my school and hostel for 2 years
Avu: what? (Shocked)
Sid :yes alone I used to cry daily I used to crave to talk to mom,  Bhai but they never called u know y I hate them I was all alone avni at the age of 12 I was fighting with bullies ,my inner feelings , hating my life,  my family I needed them that time most but they were not there for me,  I wanted family,  love but I didnt got anything thats y I became like these I was not like this Angel rude, arrogant, aggressive  they made me like these U asked me na that day y I created walls around me y I don't let people enter in my life its because I tried once but in return I got betrayal,  heartbreak she broked me again ,avni I hate my own brother u know y Im jealous of him he got everything what I craved for mom's love,  family,  home,  friends like u all, perfect love life with a partner like dii he got everything what I wanted , in 10 years mom came to meet me just once Bhai used to call me initially but then he never called me never talked with me,  me and mom just talk 3 times in 10 years and that too just for 10mins in whole for her Bhai,  business was more imp than me I don't know what lacks in me that everyone chooses him over me,  he said that Im ungrateful what should I be grateful about the pain I got because of them,  or the worst childhood I got coz of them
(Tears were flowing through their cheeks by now)

She wasnt able to say anything after hearing him , she engulfed him in a tight hug he was crying his heart out her shoulder became wet due to his tears but she cared less they both were in the same position for God knows how long after a long time they pulled apart from the hug

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So u all got to know the reason behind siddharth's behaviour

I hope u like the chapter

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