chapter 18

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Jaikru:what happened muski?
Avu: I have to go..sid is in problem ....Ill tell u all later

With this she left from there she asked her driver to start within a few minutes she reached police station
She quickly went inside

Sid's POV :

I was lost in some thoughts when I heard Angel's voice what is Angel doing here I immediately turned
and saw her

Avu: hello officer(panick clear in her voice)
P:Avneet kaur you here,  maam please sit and how can I help u
Avu: I got a call from here for sid..siddharth nigam where is he?

He pointed towards me she looked at me and it was clear from her face that she is hell worried

P:maam we didnt knew it was u we just called on his last dial

She turn towards him listening him

Avu: but y is he there?

Oh yes Im in lockup

P: maam he got into a fight with someone on road and he literally broked that person's nose and he hit him really hard
Avu: what?
P:yes maam BTW how is he related to u
Avu: friend
Avu: can u pls leave him ,Ill talk to my lawyer if u want
P:no maam its not that big thing but yeah someone is laying in hospital because of ur friend
Avu:Im really sorry on his behalf Ill make sure this is not gonna repeat
P:okay maam u have to complete some formalities then u can take him
Avu: thanku

After sometime they were done with their formalities whole time my gaze was fixed on her she's doing her best to get me out from here asap
As soon as I came out she came to me and asked me "are u alright?"I nodded just then that officer spoke in between

P:dont worry maam we didnt even touched him
Avu: thanku so much officer and Im really sorry
P:okay maam but ask ur friend to learn to control his anger

I shot a glare at him,
Angel thanked him and left from there, I ran after her,  I called her but she ignored me and sat in the car the drive started,  I called her once again "avni " she didnt said anything she's behaving like she didnt even heard me she took out her phone and I think
She called jai she narrated him everything and after saying we will be there in a few minutes she hung the call I again called her but she pretend
like she was busy yeah pretend coz she was holding her phone upside down and I don't know what she was scrolling through in a few minutes we reached home as soon as we reached she slammed the door and went in

Godd Im gone now
woww she has the potential to scare siddharth nigam

I too went in and saw jai and krupa were sitting on couch in living room they saw both of us and stood up Angel went somewhere and in a minute she came back with a box in her hand she drop the first aid box on table with a bang and. asked krupa "kru treat his wounds a cut on left arm and some scratches on right wrist and bruised knuckles "saying this she left from there and slammed the door of her room with a loud noise
I looked at both of them they both were looking like they are trying so hard to control their laughter "whats wrong?"I asked them they just shrugged it krupa ask me to sit at the couch she sat in front of me and took my hand in her hand and started cleaning the wound "sid "she started but stopped immediately "is it okay if I call u that" she asked I nodded then she again started " u know sid she was really worried for u when u were not answering her calls she called u like 100 times she was panicking like hell we told her that u r mature enough u can handle urself but muski was being muski she was just super worried for u when she got the call from police station she literally run from here u know she's not a big fan of violence and u being the crazy fan of violence end everything with the fight which she clearly doesn't like so now she is clearly pissed off from u"
"What should I do now,  so that she can forgave me"I asked she looked surprised "u really wanna apologize to her?" " yeah" "ok so u have to figure  out that urself but what we r sure is that u will have to bare her silent treatment till then"
What? No no so she's really not gonna talk to me
"Yes "she replied

By the time she was done treating my wounds I thanked her and was about to ask her something when doorbell rung someone opened and here comes the person whom I least wanted to see right now

He came in and started shouting

Rii: jhally jhally

He then turned to us

Rii: where is she?
Kru: hello to u too rii
Rii: ohh Hii where is she and where is jai

He said coming out from kitchen

He gave him a bro hug
And said Hii to me which I replied
Now he again started

Rii: jhally

Finally she came down still looking mad at me then turned to riyaz

Avu: what happened
Rii: what happened?  Seriously what happened,  my song is gonna release u know how much Im excited for this even u were excited for this more than me then what happened now? Wait u r mad at someone, anyways lets just forget that Ill surely kick that person who pissed u off but now just cheer up ur mood and....(jai cuts him off)

God he is such a drama queen

Jai:broo just shut upp ukw stay away from muski u r becoming like her chatter box
she hits him
Avu: Im here only and tally I got it u r excited and u know Im glad to know atleast someone is excited unlike some people who gets into fight on their debut release

OK fine I got it that was a taunt for me

After sometime my song was released my first song we all are watching the
Song in living room after song completes angel hugs riyaz

Rii: how was I
Avu: amazing as always

They both pulled apart she looked at me smiled and then again turned towards him

Avu: butttttt someone was better than you

Really ok its clear that she is talking about me man she is cute she cant even know how to be angry

Rii: ohh really so what I said that day is right?
Avu: shut upp

The remaining day went normal


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