Chapter 13

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Avu: Riyaz aly enough of ur drama u r a very bad actor offscreen (
while hitting his arm )
he chuckles

Rii: okok fine now say honestly do u like him
Avu: there's ntg between us tally
Rii: cmon jhally its clear that he likes u didnt u saw how he stares me when Im with u,  his looks are like he will kill me right now his jealousy is clear mann Im noticing this from 3 days and even from before too
Avu: who wont like me?
Rii: Ms.Queen of self obsessession KAUR Im serious
Avu: tally yaar idk and leave this topic now I really don't wanna talk about it and lets go

and she went from there after a few hours its a wrap up they all went to their homes


Avu's manager gave her phone to avu
who just came in her vanity room after completing her shot

M:maam I think u should pick its ringing from a long time
Avu: OK

She received the call

Sid: where r u Avneet kaur? Im calling u from last 2 hours
Avu: whats wrong Siddharth nigam I was busy in my shoot
Sid: whats wrong really?  I should ask this Avneet kaur its been a.week we met or we talk after my wrap I didnt saw u where u disappeared
Avu: Im not disappeared Siddharth nigam Im just busy..... wait
Avu: why r we taking full names of each other
sid:I don't know
Avu: u started it, u should know
sid:arey even u reciprocated it
Avu: whatever,  so sid y u called me
sid: that coz I wanna meet u today
Avu: any reason?
Sid: do I need a reason to meet u?
Avu: fine,  u r in a good mood to argue today waise u r missing me na
Sid:I didnt said that
Avu: accept it u r missing me thats y u wanna meet
sid:yeah whatever,  so meet me at my place after ur shoot
Avu: sid I cant come to ur place
Sid:what happened
Avu: it just Im having extra shifts and ur home is too long from my sets
Sid:oh okay I so wanted to meet u today but its fine,  bye  (disappointment clear in his voice )
Avu: Hey wait I didnt said I cant meet u , I said I cant come to ur place but u can right?
Sid: where? Ur place?
Avu: obviously
sid:u must be kidding right?
Avu: am I sounding like that no right then obviously Im not
sid: but avni I never visited any of my friends home chuk it off  I didnt had any friends
Avu: but u have friend now right and everything has a first time

Sm1 came and said avu that her shot is ready even he heard that

Avu: okay sid I gotta go bye, we r meeting tonight at my place thats final and I don't wanna hear any excuses bye

And she ends the call with that
Later whole day passes for avu busy in her shoot

Sid's pov:

What the hell, y I even called her ufff right now Im.standing infront of her home, yaar its super awkward to visit ur crush's home and that too celebrity crush
I pressed the door bell and sm1 came and open the door

"Avni uhh..avneet?"I asked her
She said "come Sir"I followed her to the living room where Angel's parents were sitting  "hello uncle aunty"I greeted "hello beta sit na "they said and I sat their awkwardly they were about to ask smtg  just then jai came and said "Hii siddharth" I just faked a smile then he said to his parents "mom dad he is siddharth nigam Abhi bhai's brother " yeah this is what I waiting for I tho don't have any own identity except his name (note the sarcasm)
We sat their silently for a few minutes just when door burst open and here comes my Angel and her costar they both were laughing on smtg  Y cant
he leave her for sometime all day he be with her only and even at night also he comes to her home
I shrugged my thoughts and went to my Angel she smiled seeing me "I so knew it u will come" and hugs me ,I hugged her back "I have to come after all Avneet kaur Ka order tha"
She chuckled

POV ends

Rii hugs her parents

Rii: hello beautiful
Sa:hii handsome
Avu: godd meri mummy ke saath toh flirt mat Kar
Rii: kyu tu jealous ho Rahi hai Kya
Avu: u r impossible (rolls her eyes)
Rii: drame band Kar, chal bye, bye everyone

And he left

Avu: jai take him to ur room,Ill freshen up and come
Someone came running to avu and jumped on her
Avu:aww my baby snoww

She started playing with him after sometime she left from there and jai took sid to his room after a few mins avu and krupa comes in his room they all were chitchatting except sid he was only staring at avu and talking to herafter some time her mom

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She started playing with him after sometime she left from there and jai took sid to his room after a few mins avu and krupa comes in his room they all were chitchatting except sid he was only staring at avu and talking to her
after some time her mom.called them for dinner sid was denying first but avu ordered him "shut up sid u r not saying a word now and UK ammu makes the best food u will love it" and finally he agreed  krupa and jai leaves sid was about to when avu held his hand and stopped him

Sid:what I know  Im irresistible but beautiful how much I wanna be with u but cant do anything as  we r at ur home  if someone see us like this there might be a problem for u
Avu: woahh u can flirt too thats something new and yeah come out of ur dream that u r irresistible or something please Haan u r not
and I stopped u coz I want to talk abt smtg imp
Sid:fine say
Avu: y weren't u talking with jai,  I still can understand about krupa but whats wrong with jai, he was trying his best to talk to u but u was just ignoring him ,for the first time I saw him trying this nice to someone who was ignoring him
Sid:I didnt asked him to be nice with me and I dont like him jerk
Avu: hello u r talking abt my brother mind ur words  and waise bhi Im not asking u to go and propose him,he is already in a relationship and also he is straight that u r saying I don't like him n all
Avu: whatever befriend with him and talk to him nicely yaar
Sid:but I don't want to
Avu: any reason?
Avu: u don't have any reasons right  to deny but I have see he is a bit irritating but the fun guy to be around,u dont have any guy friend he can be the best friend u know ask bhav,rii or anyone he is the best frnd one can have, u can share anything with him he is the best secret keeper and...(cut by sid )
Sid:fine Ill talk to him
Avu: good now lets go

They both went and sat for dinner with everyone au asked "how was ur day princess" "awesome papa UK what happened today after we completed our first scene.............."

And she started describing her whole day
(A/N:this is me if my dad ask me how was my day Ill give each and Every detail)

After finishing dinner , sid bidbye to everyone and was abt to leave avu went with him till his car

Avu: wait what happened y r u looking off
Avu:u know u cant lie its clear on ur face that smtg is bothering u
sid:fine, its waste arguing with u coz anyhow u will get to know
Avu: right,  so spill
Sid:uk avni I always wanted this kind of dinners with whole family full of fun, laughter,  teasings, and all not like I have alone in my room ,I really liked all this u know, thanku for calling me
Avu: thanks to u  for coming and u know u r gladly invited u can.come anytime mumma papa will love to have u

He smiled and left from there


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