Chapter 38

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God y Im so nervous it exactly feels like the first time I came here or maybe more than that day Im standing in front of the door from last 10 mins I just couldnt gather the courge to go inside uffff its much difficult than I thought it would be I stayed here for like 2 and a half months there was a time when I used to feel this place as my own they made me feel like a part of their own family & what I did.....left everyone

I finally pressed the doorbell took a deep breath after a couple of mins the door opened & wth y god y , can this get even more worse

Shit I also have to deal with this person y its always me

"hii jai" I said giving him a small smile
"what do u want?" he asked straightaway & that too with full of irritation & annoyance dripping in his voice

Y on the earth he is behaving like me , no Im better than him ,I mean atleast Im better now , ok y he is behaving like the older version of me

"hii jai" I tried once again maybe he didnt heard me
"what r u doing here "
It means he is still mad at me

"I came to meet avni , can I come inside now? " I asked him with all the politeness I have in me
"NO" he said bluntly
Ok what the actually heck

"who's there jai" a voice came
OMG finally there's someone who will save me from the person in front of me who's throwing daggers at me I have never in my life got so happy on hearing bhai's voice

"chote what r u doing here ?" he asked in shock when he saw me at the door step
"bhai I came to meet avni"
"then come na " he said over excitedly

He's always excited like angel like brother like sister
But right now I have another brother to deal with

I gestured bhai towards jai
He understood and said " abey chal na avu room mein hai bahar nhi" and pulled me inside

"bhai" jai said annoyingly
"what ? "
"bhai he already met muski on sets what he want now & anyways as far as I know they both aren't in talking terms or more specifically he was avoiding muski from a month, isn't he ?"
"stop being a overpossesive brother jai , they are mature enough to sort their things out themselves "
"& u stop being a matchmaking brother bhai " he whined

Chal kya raha hai in dono ka , guys I exist

"jai.. " he cut me off
"u better shut up"
"jai atleast listen to him "bhai requested
He groaned
"jai I know u r mad at me , I know u think Im not the correct person for her , I know that was so immature of me to left everything after knowing the truth I should have stayed & face it but jai I needed time to process all these , I never in my dreams imagined angel to go through all these stuff I was so shocked to even react to that"
I told him honestly

He looked at me idk what was going in his mind so I continued "jai I know u still think me as the same arrogant , rude , asshole guy but jai Im not anymore like that bhai if only her friendship can make me a better person just think then if I get her love then toh I dont need anything else "

"jai I know u love your muski but dont u want your muski to move on in her life , dont u want her to be genuinely happy , dont u think she also desrves the love" bhai said

"bhai u know I want every best thing in this world for her , but bhai I want the best things for her not sm1 like him , bhai I know he is your brother & u wont like this but bhai muski is my sister I want sm1 for her who can love her with all his heart , who cares for her , who can handle her in her worst phases , who wont run away from her instead sm1 who will stand with her & says 'Im with u we will face this together ' I want sm1 I can trust with her if she is with him I shouldn't be stressed about her if she's fine or not or whatever, I want that trust that if she's with him I dont need to worry about her she's safe with him , if anything happens he will be there for her , he will protect her just like tush bhai used to....u know right u even saw this I never used to worry about her I knew that bhai is with her he will handle her , he will protect her , he will never let anything happen to his musu I want sm1 like him & honestly bhai after that alcohol incident I cant trust him with muski anymore, after constant sayings from kru I thought to give him a chance but the person who cant take care of my sister for a few hours how will he handle her whole life "

& with that we both get silent I know he is right whatever he said is right he is her brother obviously he want best for her perfect for her & tushar was the perfect guy he loved her so much he cared for her so much no doubt y she loves him this much when I got to know about them & how was their relation from bhai & riyaz I knew their relationship was a fairytale the kind of a relationship for which everyone wish but not everyone get that, I heard a lot of stories about them how he was the perfect guy who handled her in her worst phases, who enjoyed more than her on her success how he used to pamper her , how she was super possesive for him , how he used to know what is in her mind without her saying & vice versa , I cant be tushar I have too many flaws
& that was true it was my fault I took her to the party that day , I should have been more careful I knew that her mood was off that day she wasnt in the right state of mind but still I was so careless bcoz of my carelessness she faced all that she wasnt able to speak properly for 3 days , she bear too much pain , she got all the rashes

& whatever the courage , motivation which was raised in me due to ash that went down deep again

"jai u cant blame sid for that alcohol incident he is already guilty about that & that was just a mere mistake the drink got replaced it was not their fault & jai everyone cant be tushar I know he was the perfect one for her but jai remember ? When u was about to propose reem & u thought u wasnt good enough for her what avu said a girl dont want a perfect guy , she just want sm1 who loves her with whom she can be comfortable sm1 she trust"

"nhi bhai leave it, jai whatever u said is right I may not be the perfect one for her , I may not be able to handle her in her worst phases like tushar used to , I may not know whats going in her mind just looking at her , I can never be tushar I know that jai whatever u said totally right but jai I just want u to know I love her with all my heart , It kills me when I see her in pain , her smile is like a heartbeat for me , her presence gives ray of happiness in my life Its okay if she doesnt love me back , I just want to be with her now if not as anything else but just as a friend so can I meet her now"

He was reluctant at first but then nodded after looking at the sincerity in my eyes maybe

"fine but dare u hurt her"

"never promise"

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