Let's go to a Party!

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    Nepeta P.O.V

       Kanya had made me this really pretty green dress, it wasn't that fancy but it was cute. I brushed my hair, should I put it up? I shook my head I brushed it again and again to not make it look like I haven't brushed it in years. Do I put make up on? Does Sollux like make up? Aaaah. I decided not to put it on. I put on my shoes on, and a long gray cardigan.  I brushed my hair again. Just to make sure.

      Nep: Sollux do I put make up on?!

    Sollux: I prefer you don't, but put it on if you would like.

     Ugh. So do i? Or do I not? I asked myself this for a while, I looked at the clock Oh no, I was late. I quickly ran the the door. I opened it and bumped into someone. "Woah" Sollux said As he grabbed me so I woudn't fall. "Sorry" I signed. "I came over because I though something was wrong, you okay? Or... did you change your and dint want to go, or did karkat ask you too? Are you regretting saying you will come with me, so when we get to the party you will pretend your having a good time and after sneak out with someone??" Sollux kept on talking, I was just late. I quickly shut him up with a kiss, in the cheek ofcourse. "I was just running late because, I wanted to decide weather or not wear makeup" I singed. "Oh, haha, sorry" 

    Sollux and I walked to the party, he seemed nervous, Oh right he confessed, "You look pretty tonight"  Sollux said breaking the silence. I smiled at him and grabbed his arm. He blushed alittle, so did I. What if I tell him today?

         We got to the party, Kanaya opened the door, almost all she was wearing was see through. "Hey! OMG, ypur brought Nepeta!" Kanya said really excited. "Yup" sollux said, "Come in!"

    The music was really loud, Maybe if I was deaf, like meulin, Nepeta you shouldn't be saying that, I thought to myself.

        There were actually a lot of people, sollux and I decided to go outside, to the backyard, there weren't that many people there, and it was a place where we could talk.

   Sollux cleared his throat, " Uhh, I wanted to a- " " NEPETA!" Sollux was interrupted. I turned around, it was, Karkat? I saw Sollux back away alittle. "So, I knew I should of fucking asked you, but I couldn't find you and I had no fucking time" , "ask me what" I signed. He looked at me puzzled, Oh right He can't understand me, I looked at Sollux. "she said what did you want to ask her"  Sollux translated. "Oh great! You can translate, well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the party with me, and you know maybe do something later" It looked like Karkat was smiling, I felt very uncomfortable.  I've liked Karkat along time ago. I moved on when he started into Terezi's pants.

     " I knew this would happen, Go with him" Sollux said walking away.  "Great! Let's go Nepeta" Karkat said reaching for my hand, I moved it again. "Sollux!" Wait he can't hear me. I ran to where he went, "Kanaya do you know where Sollux went" "Yup, he went out the door." I gave her a hug and ran out the door, it looked like he was walking to the park, okay, I gave him some time.

      I sat down next to him. " Did Karkat ask someone else, or did he get frustrated when you tried talking to him" He asked, " No, I followed you."



"That isn't an answer"

"Because I didn't want to be alone with Karkat"

"Oh... "

" I have something to tell y-"

"Hello! Would you like to take a rose and give them to your lived one, don't worry there the last ones so there free, it's a little tradition."

Sollux and I took the roses.

He quickly gave me one, and Said " I know you like Karkat and all that, but I just want to say that I Love You and every time I'm with you, I can't think straight and I just want to hold you and I just want to punch you in the face... with my face. ..in your lips... with my lips...Gently" He stopped for a second, "that didny sound so romantic or how I wanted it to come out, see, I can't think, I just... I just..." he fell silent, he looked up at Me, he frowned. I turned around it was karkat.

   " YOU RAN AWAY!" He said panting. Sollux got up ready to walk away, I grabbed his arm sitting him back down. "What did you want?"

   " UGH! Nepeta I can't understand you!" Karkat said angry.

"Well, you know, if you really do like her you should learn Sign to be able to communicate with her" Sollux said alittle mad.

" I do like her!  And she likes me"

I shook my head, " I do not like you" sollux looked at my puzzled.

Karkat just stood there, "What?! What! What is she saying? "

" she said she doesn't like you! " Sollux answered.

"But I thought you did " karkat said

"Well you thought wrong" Sollux said

"Wait then who do you like Nepeta?!" Karkat said frustrated

I stood there, Do I do it? Do it, Do it Do it Do it.

I tried to day something but I couldn't, why? Oh, pfft.

" Sollux"

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