Lemon, but not really a lemon.

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The bell rang Nepeta quickly ran to her seat waiting for Sollux. Sollux wouldn't arrive so Nepeta decided to
Do her work and pay attention.

The bell rang for lunch and Nepeta made her way to the roof. She made got the keys out and sat down. She got out her note book and doodled. It was Sollux and her.

Sollux walked in and sat next to her. Nepeta didn't notice because She was concentrating on her drawing and listen to music.

Sollux looked over and blushed. Nepeta noticed and quickly covered her stuff.

Sollux looked at her with his face all red. " What was that??" He said looking down.

Nepeta waiting for him to look up " it was something for My art class"

Sollux looked up at Nepeta, she blushed. " Let me see"

Nepeta handed him the notebook and burried her head between her legs and chest. He looked thought it blushing more as he flipped the next page.

He got to the last page, the drawing was better than all the other ones. He blushed, it was him and Nepeta doing it. He looked at her, She was hidding.

I handed her the notebook, " You feel that way towards me?"

Nepeta looked at him and nodded. " For a long time"

Sollux leaned in and kissed Nepeta. She blinked. Sollux liked the kiss so he kissed her again but more harder and passionate. They both fell to the ground. Sollux kissed and kissed her.

" I've felt the same for the longest time" He said as he kissed her again. Sollux leg accidentally touched Nepetas downstairs. She moaned.

Sollux stopped to listen, he liked the sound and wanted to hear more.

He got his blazer off and shirt. Nepeta need too, revealing her green lace bra. Sollux stared at her, he though She was the most beautiful girl his ever seen.

He pulled on her skirt, he took it off as Sollux took off his pants. His little friend wanted to play.

Nepeta looked, " Boner? " She looked at it. " Don't do that, do it with your mouth" he said still admiring her. " But I can't speak..." she looked at him confused. " Just kiss me silly"

Nepeta put her arms behind his neck and put her legs around his waist. They kissed and kissed, Sollux couldn't help himself he needed to be inside of Nepeta.

He pushed her to the ground. His hand went to the her back, he flipped her bra. Nepeta took it off.

" Woah, there bigger than when you have your brah on" he chuckled.

She silently laughed. He left them both in hid hands. " There so soft" he whispered.

He massaged them, Nepeta moaned. Sollux got harder, he didn't know you could get harder.

He couldn't, he needed to be one with Nepeta. He took his boxer's Off, he took Nepatas panties off as Well.

Nepeta was nervous, she adding know how this kind of stuff works. The closest she's been to a guy is seating next to them in class.

Sollux got closer to her. He gentle inserted his...


Nepeta woke up from her wonderful dream. She yawned.

" What is the answer for number 5?" The teacher asked annoyed.

" ... 413"

Nepeta closed her eyes again falling back asleep.


Well that ending is poopy, anyways how many of you want me to make a real lemon???

Also please suggest.

BE nice to yourself baiii

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