Chapter 3: Our lives begin to change.

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Izuku POV.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. "Mmmh." I reached to turn it off. The time was 6:00. I sighed not wanting to get out of bed. I then noticed the two arms around my body. I looked over to see Suguha sleeping. Her face looked so adorable, I didn't want to look away.  I then started to get out of bed, but her gripped tightened. "Don't... leave." She said in a tired tone. I just smiled. "I have to. I got school. You can stay in bed." I said while stroking her hair. She smiled and snuggled in the bed more.

I then went into the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. After that, I went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. "Morning mom." 
"Morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?" "Pretty good. Sugu is still in bed. She didn't want me to leave the bed this morning." My mom smiled. "I am glad that you two get along so well, do you think you two will ever date?" She said while giving me my plate. I smiled. "Well, we're basically already dating. Same with Y/N and Alice. I really have come to love her. Are you ok with us dating?" I responded. "Well of course. I really do think that your lives have changed over the last year. And I am happy that you found some one you love." She smiled. I got up and hugged her. "Thanks mom." I finished eating my breakfast and got in the shower.

After my shower I got dressed. I gave Sugu a kiss before I left to meet Y/N outside, and head to school. I knocked on his door. It opened and he was just coming out. "Hey." He said. "Hey." Alice was behind him. "Hey Izu." "Hey Alice." I said. Y/N got his shoes and, and gave Alice a quick kiss, and we left. "So, how was your morning?" I asked. "Oh, it was good. Bella woke me up at like 5:30, because she really had to go. But otherwise, I've been good. I slept good. How about you?"
"I slept ok. Sugu didn't want me to leave the bed. She's probably still sleeping now. My mom asked this morning if me and her will everything date?" I said.
"And what'd you say?" He responded.
"I told her that me and her are basically already dating. And I really do love her. And I asked her if she's ok with us dating." I said.
"What'd she say?"
"She said that she's happy that I've found someone I love."
We continued on our way to school.
On the way to school we heard that there was a villian, so we ran towards it to see what was happening. We saw a villain on a subway bridge. "Woah." I turned to see izukus eyes, they were filled with Excitement, and awe. I smiled. The villain knocked down an electrical tower. A figure ran towards it and caught it. Then another hero showed up, keeping the bystanders back.

Me and Izuku made our way to the front to get a better view. We got to the front. "This is gonna be good." me and Izuku said together. Kamui Woods had shown up. "Hey may be new, but he's making a big name for him self." Izuku said. "One look at that soppy grin and I know wht you are. A fanboy!" A mother bystander said. "Yup!" I said with a big smile.

Kamui then landed on the top of a train. "There! His special move!" Izuku shouted, I watched in anticipation.
"The Pre-emptive... binding.... Lacquered Chain Prison." Izuku shouted. Woods was about to capture the villain when. "Canyon Cannon!" I voice yelled. Mt. Lady had entered the scene. Then a bunch of people started taking pictures of her saying Money shot. I'm so glad that they don't know about Alice.

Izuku was reaching into his bag for his note book. I also grabbed mine. The police took the villains in. And the hero's waved to there fans. Me and Izuku were standing, in front of the crater in the street from Mt. Lady kicking the villain. We were both writing in our note books. He was writing down her quirk, and all the possible pros and cons. I was measuring the crater, and the force behind it. I rote down the math for the kinetic energy, and the force behind the kick. Later we'll both go over her possible usefulness.

I could hear Izuku mumbling in the background. "What's that, fanboys? You takin' notes over there? Wanna be heroes too Huh?" The guy from earlier said. We stopped and looked at him. "Yes! More than anything!"

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