Chapter 19: The sports festival

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It was the morning of the sports festival. Me and izuku got up bright and early to get ready. There was no classes today. Just the festival. So when we got t0 school, Mr. Aizawa gave us a quick class talk, and we were off to go get changed.

We were waiting in one of the waiting rooms, with the rest of the class in there. Iida opened the door. "Aw man. I was totally wishing I could wear my costume." Mina said. "At least everyone's in uniforms. That'll keep things fair right?" Ojiro asked. "Thank goodness too. Especially for Y/N." Tsu said. "Why?" Mina asked. "I said I was going to stick with swords. Doesn't mean i wont get rid of my guns." I said with my head in my hand. Mina and Ojiros face was priceless. "Relax. I have ammo thats like paintballs. Just.... More painful." I said.

"Everyone get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon." Iida said opening the door. "Midoriya." Todoroki said walking up to Izuku. He was looking to start something. "From an objective standpoint. I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." Todoroki said. I didnt stand behind Izuku, I knew he could handle himself. "Yeah. And your point?" Izuku asked. "You've got All Might in your corner, helping you out." Todoroki said. I got a little nervous. "And you Y/N." He said. "Mr Kayaba is in your corner too." He said. I stood up. "Get to the point todoroki." I said. "Im not here to pry about what's going on between you four. But know that I will beat you." He said. Me and izuku looked at him sternly. "What's going on with all of these declarations of war lately?" Kaminari asked. "Yeah what's the big deal. Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden. And right before we get started?" Kirishima asked.

"We're not here to be each other's friends. Don't forget this isnt a team effort." Todoroki said walking away. "Your right its not." I said, he stopped and looked back. "We dont know what's going through your head, or why you think you need to tell me that you'll beat me. And yeah, of course your better than us. In fact, your probably have way more potential than anyone in the hero course. That's why you got in so easily." Izuku said. "Midoriya, maybe you being a little hard on yourself, and us." Kirishima said. "No he's right. Every other course is coming at us with everything they've got. We're all gonna have to fight to stand out." Izuku said. "And I'll be aiming for the top too." Izuku said. "Solo eh?" I asked izuku. He looked at me sternly. "Okay. Just double checking, at least we're on the same page." I said cracking my knuckles. I got almost two years of solo experience, kinda.

The time had come. We all walked out to the field. There was a shit load of people, and Mic was making our presence even more important. Pretty soon, every course and class was out on the field. "Now it's time for the introductory speech." Midnight said. "And for the student pledge, we have Katsuki bakugo." She said. We all looked at him. Oh no. I closed my eyes, and plugged my ears, and turned away. Hes a jerk, he's a jerk, he's a big fucking jerk! Izuku tapped my shoulder, letting me know it was over. "Without further ado, it's time for us to get started. The first fateful game of the festival!" She said with a holographic poker like spinning wheel appeared, and spun. It landed on a game. Obstacle course? "All 11 classes with participate in this treacherous contest. The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium. I dont wanna restrain anyone at least in this game. As long as you dont leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires." Midnight said. "Oh, and there's one more thing." She said. "Our beloved Mr Kayaba has helped with this one." Midnight said pointing to the Faculty area. Oh shit.

"Im right here." Kayaba said appearing on the stage. "Oh. Would you mind to give some words on how you could effect the course?" Midnight asked. "Well... i merely wanted to have a little fun. I wont effect the obstacles already in place. But depending on how it goes. There might be an extra level awaiting inside the arena. Im 74 percent sure i know what i gonna do." He said. Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me. "That's an oddly specific number? Y/N do you know what i mean?" Tsu asked me. "Let's be glad he wasnt 100 percent sure." I said. Some memories flashing in my mind. "Okay now then. Take your places." Midnight said. Everyone got infront of the gate. I stayed in the back. The lights counted down. Here we go. No matter what.... I've got everything i need. Everyone i need. "Begin!" Midnight yelled. All of the students ran into the short corridor.

I heard ice crackling. Todoroki is getting through. "Hey, hey! You gotta go L/N." I heard Mic. "I know." I said. I ran into the corridor, and activated a speed and strength boost, and Jumped between the corridor, and over the people still trapped in the ice. I brought out my sword, and landed stabbing it in the ice Then continuing. There was a little bit of just clear ground, and I kept going, seeing todoroki, and a few others up ahead. izuku included. Mineta was bouncing around behind todoroki, until he was hit mid air by a robot. The same type from the practical test. "It's Robo Inferno!" Mic yelled through the PA. There was a hoard of the Zero pointers. And tons of other smaller robots.

Todoroki was up ahead, and easily froze on of the Zero pointers. He ran underneath it, and it began to fall down to its unbalance. The giant robot launched up a cloud of dust, that the smaller ones slowly came out of. I got closer to the front. A big flashy display. Whether you meant it or not todoroki. Someone's gonna have to try to outshine you. Kirishima broke out from the downed Zero pointer. What am I doing? I asked myself. I gripped my sword. "Let's take these guys down." I said. Another me appeared beside me. He had a rapier. Since testing with some other bosses. I figured out that I can make it look like it's another me. While it is. It's also away to draw less suspicion. Even though there's two of me. But with the rapier, I was wanting Asuna. So, a side effect of that is the hair color, or even color of clothes, or different clothes.

"Woah, woah. Hang on. Am I seeing this? Are there two L/N'S?!" I heard mic. We ran to the front. "Head for the zero pointers." I said. "Right." The other me replied. I activated a skill, and severed two robots in half. I kept running for the Zero pointers. "We gotta get ahead." I said. I pulled out another sword, and the other be switched to Kleins katana. The two of us began whipping out the robots, getting ever closer to the Zero pointers. We could see other kids getting through slowly. Bakugo, Tokoyami, and Sero. "Interesting. L/N has made a sort of copy of himself. It seems to be all most an extension. The question is, how powerful is it."  Heard Mr Aizawa say. We were towards the outside wall. "You and me dude. Turn up the light show." I said. We both jumped and Bounced on a 3 pointer, getting launched up with the explosion. We were up in the air, as the Zero pointer was trying to Punch us. I blocked it, shielded myself. "Switch!" I yelled.

The other me switched to a rapier, and this is where a little bit of a flaw came in. I had hooped that the different circumstances wouldn't have it do this, but it was happening. If having another me perform a skill, in a scenario and similar form from a memory. It will No longer be me. It will be the person in the memory.

The other me glowed, and appeared as Asuna, and began the charge up the Mother Rosario skill. I hope no one notices... Asunas rapier glowed blue, and she began her attack. 11 hits, each cutting into the metal body. And then she charged for the final one. In the chest. The skill had followed through, and the cuts glowed a purple, and the Zero pointer began to fall back. With a thought I made Asuna go away. And I held onto the zero pointers arm as it was falling back. I switched to a rapier as well, and charged up a single hit skill. One of Asunas. It requires a lot of speed to make it work, and with the force of the zero pointer falling back. I was getting faster. I pointed my sword forward, and pushed off with my legs. And I was shot like a bullet forward.

The force of my shock knocked the zero pointers arm off, and sent a shock wave. "Woah!! Look at L/N go. I dont know where his companion went, but it's clear. This kid can be multiple places at once, and can coordinate attacks with those duplicates." Mic said.

Kayaba, Kirito, the whole gang. Especially Izuku where in shock. Kayaba reasoning what this could mean. And Kirito realizing there's more than meets the eye with Y/ns quirk. This new found ability can be a great asset. But also a great danger. For them. Izukus growth will be steady, and might have a slow start. Y/Ns is seeming too fast. Theres a feeling of too much. And the question is, can Y/N feel it.

(Hey guys. So i hope you liked it. So, yeah very different from the last chapter at this part. But this is a thought i had. And it is something i didnt think of, until i started to rewrite things. Now... I'm kinda set on it. But i wanna know what you think. Could Y/N use this power? Could he show restraint. Or, should this not be a thing? Re writing one chapter, and a little bit with the cliffhanger to this is nothing. I've already gotten to this point. If you guys aren't feeling it, and want Y/N to feel more as one i guess. But if you like the draw backs, would you still want those? I want there to be some draw back to work on. Or have be permanent. I want to have fun, but i also dont want to be so over zealous like last time. I kn0w this is a lot. But I'm wanting some feed back. Please. Anyway, have a great night. And i hope you have a great day.)

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