Chapter 7: To hell and back.

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The morning of training had come. It's was Monday morning. We had gone to bed the night before pretty early and since we are sleeping in Alice and Suguha rooms now, Kazuto woke us up early to get ready. "Come on, its day one. You'll get used to it eventually." I reluctantly got up and put my work out clothes that Alice had gotten me on.

Me and Izuku, left the complex and headed to the beach. It was kinda chilly out, since sunrise wouldn't be for another half-hour at most. We walked to the beach which was covered in trash. We were then greeted by All Might. "Morning, All Might." We both said. "Morning. Now let's get to work. Take those and pull." We both looked at the ropes on the ground, which were tied around a fridge. We both shrugged, grabbed the ropes and pulled. As hard as we could. For about Five minutes. "Hey, hey hey. It's pretty comfy up of this fridge, how are you two doing down there?" We both lost or balance, and fell. "People moves these every day you know. And most of them don't have any super strength." We both looked up. "Well, yeah, but.... there's an extra 600 pounds with you sitting on top of it." Izuku said. "Nah, I've lost weight, so I'm down to 560 these days. In this form at least." All Might retorted. Me and Izuku both chuckled. I then looked around at all of the garbage. "Great, much better. Why do you have us dragging trash across the beach anyway?" All might, and Kazuto chuckled. Then they took out there phones and took pictures. "Take a look at your selves. Your not ready for either of our powers." We both looked at our mentors. "But I thought you said that I was worthy!" We both screamed devastated. "We're talking about your weak body's." They said. We both stopped and looked at them. "Midoriya, my quirk One for All, is a whole lo to handle. The combined physical abilities of everyone who's ever used it creates a hurricane of pure force. An unprepared body can't fully inherit it. Your arms and legs would shoot out if you tried to." All Might said. "Seriously!" We both screamed.

"And Y/N." I turned to Kazuto. "The power i am going to give you, is also a combination of the abilities that everyone has been able to do. And your body is going to need to be strong enough so that you can use it. But also remember what it's like to play ALO. What you will be able to do eventually, is use the abilities that you can use in a virtual in the real. I can get into the specifics on how the power will work and function, later but right know I'm gonna give it back to All Might." He looked at All Might and nodded. "Okay, so this whole trash thing is really some kind of hardcore gym work out. And... your our trainer." Izuku said. All might put his thumbs up. "You got it. But there's another reason too. I did a little online research yesterday. Turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful, but it's been a total mess for the last few years." He said tapping the fridge making a dent. Ya, I think I prefer the cove more. "That's right." I turned to Izuku.

"Because of the ocean currents, anything that's dropped in the water ends up here.  People take advantage of that when there Illegally dumping trash. Now all the locals avoid this place." Izuku said. Ok well that makes since. "Heroes these days are all about showing off and capturing flashy villains. Things were different before quirks. Service is what mattered. Back then, heroes were those who helped the community. Even if it was kinda boring." All Might crushed the fridge, causing a shock wave that flew some trash in the air, showing revealing the ocean behind it. "You two will restore the coastline for this one tire section of the beach. That is the first step of your back, young men. Towards being heroes." We both gasped. And looked at the trash surrounding us. "Um... All this? But... there's so much. That's impossible!" We yelled. Kazuto chuckled. I glared at him, but he just smiled. "Young Midoriya, L/N, you two wanna go to U.A, right?" We both looked at All Might. "Well, yeah. Of course. You went there. So it must be the best school around right?" We both looked at each other. "It's a long shot. But still we're gonna shoot for the moon. U.A."

"You two got a lot of spirit, Fanboys!" All might turned around. "But, as I've mentioned before, hero-ing isn't easy to do with out a quirk. It's not fair, but that's the reality. And U.A is the hardest hero course to get into. So that means...." we both hit the realization. "... that we have to prepare our body's for the quirks really fast. U.A's exam is in ten months!" We both screamed. All Might turned around, with a stack of papers in his hand. "Not to worry, kids. I've got you covered. With the help of my handy "Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan!". Follow these to the letter and the beach will be cleaned up just in time. I also detailed every other aspect of your life's, while I was at it." We looked at the papers. "Wait so we each have the same plan?" Kazuto nodded. "Like All Might, and I said before. Your Body's need to get stronger. And it took me two years for me to become strong as strong as I was. And it probably took All might a while too. So when I looked at that plan, I decided that I'll let him take care of bulking up you Y/N while he was helping Izuku. But I'll still help. And I can bring sugu and Alice sometime, for mental and emotional support." He said. I nodded. That makes since. They both have had a long time to become as strong as they were. So it makes since now. I looked through the papers. "Even our sleep is scheduled." I said. All might came over and said. "If I'm being honest, this is going to be super hard. Think you two are up to it?" We both gulped. "Yeah sure we are. We have to work way harder than anyone else to get in. So what choice do we have right?" All might nodded. "Ok I'll be going. Have a good day at school you two." Kazuto said with a thumbs up. Oh shit, that's right we got school. This is going to be hard. But... it will help us strengthen our minds, and not just our body's. And so our ten month vacation through hell, had began.

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