Chapter 2: A Perfect Day.

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I couldn't keep my eyes off him as he walked over to the only available desk in the room, which coincidentally was right next to mine. I overcame my daze and pretended to look through my notebook hoping he'd make a move to talk to me. Luck was on my side as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to my right to see him start to carelessly speak,

"Hello love, i'm Niall. I hope you don't mind me saying this but you're absolutely beautiful." His accent was so cute when he spoke, it gave me chills. I smiled brushing off the goosebumps,

"Thanks Niall, I'm Genevieve."

"Genevieve?!Thats really pretty like you but long. Mind if I call you Eve for short?" He remarked. I responded,

"That's cute, go ahead. So how are you today?" He grinned and I spotted his braces but his smile was already flawless as I fell back into my trance.

"i'm great love other than I fact i'm lost from every step I tak-" he started.

"No worries, I'll take you on the grand tour" I said a little to eager.

"Eve, you're just amazing".he asserted so easily. I blushed a bright shade of red. Then one of my idiot friends decided to interrupt our chat,

"Awww Niall and Eve sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Markus shouted from the back of the room. I played along,

"hahah totally. you're all invited to the wedding losers."

Niall responded to the fake banter,

"knock it off guys." I could tell he wasn't annoyed but not completely satisfied; he remained quiet until the bekk announcing the ending of class and beginning of lunch period rang. He stood up turning to me,

"C'mon, go show me everything you know about the school." I smiled at his gesture,

"Fine let's go" I said as I stood up and walked out of class with Niall following behind me.

I was so happy I ran over to give him a hug knocking him down in the process. We laughed for a little with his back on the grassy floor and my head against his chest.

"Hey Niall," I began, "I gotta go but here, let me give you my number in case i'm in need of more pointers." He grinned again,

"No problem." He took the newly ripped paper out of my hand and draped me over his back.

"Hey!! What are you doing silly?" I shouted as he started running out of the school.

"I'm taking you home of course! Point the way love!" he screamed back. After the ride home he placed me on th ground gently.

"I have to go home. Thanks for the tour and I'll talk to you tomorrow k?" He said as he lifted me up into a hug.

"sure, no problem. see ya Niall." I whispered into his ear not wanting to let go of his strong arms. Unfortunately he let go and ran down the empty street to his home. I went upstairs to shower and change into my pjs. I climbed to my bed and drifted off to sleep with a final thought on my mind. "Today was perfect."

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