Chapter 47: Just Not Now

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"Yeah, Niall. I'll be home soon." I assure him for what seems to be the 500th time. The boy that I now call my boyfriend is rambling on and on about having mashed potatoes or something Asian for dinner and how he wants the best for me. I tell him how any one of the dishes will do.

"Okay Eve. See you home soon, I love you." He says, and I can practically hear the smile on his face.

"I know." I frown and hang up. I feel bad for Niall because we both know that I'm not giving my 100% in this relationship and I'm just kinda cold towards him. It's not that I don't like Niall, it's just different now. I feel like this level of intimacy (which isn't very intimate on my part) is all we're going to get. A year ago, I would have been hanging out after school in the drama room with Eleanor, Louis, Zayn, Perrie, and Danielle; but we all seemed to have drifted apart from each other. I've changed within this year. I feel more confident, especially after Niall and I became friends once more. But that being said I'm just not the same. But if I learnt to love Harry, I'm sure I can do the same with Niall can't I? I just hope that he's doing much better than I am in all of this. I just wish I could fix this mess that I'm in.

Last time around, I was moping over Niall and Harry came along and held the broken pieces together. But that's the problem with relying on someone to fix you. Harry's let go, and all the pieces that he once held are falling to the ground all over again. There's no one here to fix me.

I have to fix myself.

Harry POV

"I can't believe I let that happen. I knew it was going to happen, but I just let it happen?" I yell frustratedly. I pace back and forth in what was our room. 

"On one hand, I saved myself a lot more pain. " I hold out my hand as if this option is being held in my own palm but realistically I know it's not, it just seems helpful and kind of theatric. 

"And on the other, it still hurts."

I sit against the wall, and look at myself in the mirror. My face seems smaller due to the fact that I can no longer find it in me to eat anything, my eyes are bloodshot from all the crying I've done, there are now visible bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep I've had. The toll of this whole Niall ordeal has certainly taken it's toll on me, the break up was just the tip of the iceberg. I knew from the start, I knew from when Eve told me that she was in love with a boy that it would affect me. So why did I do it? Why?

"I miss her so much." I angrily slam my fist into the wall.  It feels like so much pain has been lifted from me, despite the hole I've made in the wall.

"Okay Harry, you miss her. I get it. But did you really have to punch a hole through both our walls? You live in a condominium that only has drywall separating us, remember?" I hear a voice from the other side of the wall. Walking over to the hole that I've created, I see Mari who is casually sipping on a cup of tea as if nothing happened.

"Since when do you live here? I thought you lived with Niall and Dani." I ask, a bit flustered as Mari has probably heard everything I said before I punched a hole in the wall.

"No one really understands all our living arrangements now do they? I'll just start from the beginning since I have it on a spread sheet ." Mari sighs. 

"Niall and Eve originally lived with their own respective parents. Dani was moved from place to place as our parents were constantly on the move due to their business  which also meant that Dani was friendless. I however was trying to make it as a singer at this point In which I was okay at, scoring gigs from here to there. Then Dani came to Niall and seeing as Niall was 18, Dani lived with him. Eve then at the age of 17 practically moved in with you as Simon bought you a house near the recording studio. Then I came here because of Simon assigning me to manage you two, buying me the condo next to yours and Eve's as her name is on the lease which just so happens to be next door to Niall and Dani's which is currently where Eve resides because of your fight. Get it?" Mari rants, reminding me of her endless rants from before. 

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