Chapter One: I'm Sorry

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*Seven Years Earlier*

"I'm pregnant." I choked out. Here I was, just turned 18 and about to go off to college and live the life I always wanted.It's amazing how much this changes everything.

"By who? Your idiot boyfriend?" My dad spat, he never liked Rob, but then again he never liked anyone for that matter. I nodded quietly, my mom left the room, probably because she didn't want to hear what he says. He has that effect on people. "He has got to go. You've got to stop seeing him, Alexus." 

I sighed, "I have to tell him the truth, Byron." I've called him by his first name ever since Tate died, he wasn't my father anymore, atleast not to me.

"No, You won't.He can't know about this, I won't hand my grandchild off to some partying, meathead college kid. it's not happening, Alexus."

I shook my head, "He would be a better father than you ever could have been." he slapped me and boy did it sting, I didn't regret those words though.

"You will break it off with him and not tell him about the child or I won't pay your tuition and I'll kick you out. Your choice, Alexus."

My eyes watered, he is so evil.He knows exactly how to keep me in his control, it's sickening. He's the reason Tate left us four years ago, because he felt death would be better than being here with Byron. Mom just let's him do this, he's a monster.

I can't say no because I need an education and a place to live now more than ever.I'll get us out of here soon, baby, I promise. "Okay, if that's what it takes."


"We'll both be too busy to keep up with a relationship, Rob. And we'll be so far away from eachother...." He frowned and laid his head on my shoulder, "I don't want to....I want us to try. I love you, Lex." He was making this so hard, I can't even look him in the eye.

"I can't, Rob. I don't want to hold you down anymore..." He loosened his grip on my hand and looked up at me, "I just don't understand why you've changed your mind all of a sudden."

I blinked hard and looked away from him," It took a lot of thinking and I want to put your happiness before my own. Go and play football on the other side of the country. Have fun and start a new chapter in your life. I'll be okay with that." I lied. 

He turned my face back to his and looked into my watering eyes.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" No, not at all.

"Yes, please. I just want you to have the best college time ever...even if it is without me."

He sighed in defeat," I'll miss you every day.The way you laugh, your smile-" I stood up, "I gotta go, dinner with my parents." Whic was true, but I just can't handle being here anymore.

I tried to walk out, but he pulled me back to him by my elbow, "I love you, Alexus. Don't you ever forget that." I can't handle this, here comes more tears.

I pulled away and ran out of the house. I couldn't look at him, much less choke out any words. He tried to call after me, but I pulled out of the drive way and was out of there.

My tears started to blur my vision, so I pulled over and broke out into sobs.I laid my forehead against the steering wheel, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry....I love you, too." I finally choked my words out, but he wasn't around to hear it.

Lowest point in my life.

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