Chapter Fifteen: Stolen Kisses, Pretty Lies.....

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*Rob's POV*

"Brady, can we talk for a second?" Iasked him after everyone left the locker room for the practice field. "Yeah, man, what's up?" He answered, sitting on the bench next to me. "I did something really stupid yesterday when I was mad at Lex....If she asks you, can you cover for me and say I was with you til 3AM?"

He clenched his jaw, "Yeah, but can you tell me what you did?" I sighed, "I'd rather not say, I just want to forget about it." He shrugged, "Okay, well, let's get to work then." I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror this morning, but I had to act normal for her sake.

God knows what she would do if she knew.

*Back To Lex's POV*

After getting home from work early, I decided to go watch Rob at practice since I had nothing else important that I needed to do. I got changed out of my work clothes and changed (off to the side), got in my car and started to the practice field.

As I sat myself in the stands, Rob looked up and smiled. I waved at him, before he had to turn his attention back to practice.


"Hey, baby." I met him outside the locker room, he wrapped me in a hug. "Hey, You did great out there.I'm gonna go pick up some dinner, you want the duty of picking Tate up?" He nodded, "Yeah, I can handle that." He was acting really weird, but I'm not going to say anything.He may just be exhausted. "I love you." I whispered, kissing his cheek. "I love you,too." He smiled weakly.

I went to Arby's and grabbed some stuff from there, not feeling like putting in any effort today. I had to wait awhile for all that food, but I finally got out of there.

I walked into the house, hearing giggles come from the living room. It's Tate, of course."Guys, I got Arby's, come and get it!" They both walked into the kitchen and we sat down at the table.

"How was school, baby?" I asked, before taking a bite of my roastbeef sandwich. "It was great, Miss Taylor said you could bring in cupcakes for my birthday!" I smiled, "That's great, what kind do you want?" He put his finger to his chin and said, "Hmmm.....Legos if you can." I already saw that one coming. "Okay, whatever you want babyboy." I smiled and pinched his cheek.

"What day is his birthday?" Rob asked, probably noticing I hadn't told him yet. "Next Saturday. When I get the party stuff situated, you should get some of your boys to come." He chuckled, "Totally. I know Tom will be into it....I need to get my brothers up here too.Mom has already told them, so I'll get on that." I nodded, "It's been so long since I've seen them.It'll be so exciting if they make it."


*Rob's POV*

After dinner, I walked upstairs to get something I had gotten for Lex after I picked Tate up.She was obsessed with pinkish, purple Calla Lilies, so I picked some up. I know it won't make up for what I've done, nothing will, But I just have to do this. I won't ever forgive myself, but I just want to protect her, even if it is from myself.

I brought them back downstairs to her, she was cuddled up with Tate, about to watch Frozen for the millionth time.I held them behind my back until I was directly infront of her,"Here, babe.I saw these and thought of you." She smiled sweetly, "Aw, thank you, baby. They are so beautiful." She kissed my cheek and I grabbed her hand, "Not half as beautiful as you, inside and out." She bit her lip, "Some one is in a lovey mood today." I smiled, trying not to look like I was faking it. "Just making up for the time we lost."


I started watching a movie while Lex was in the shower, my phone vibrated on the side table and I picked it up. And of course, it's the person that I didn't want contacting me in the first place. "What do you want, Hannah?" I whisper-yelled as low as I could."I was wondering when you were going to call me back..." She tried to sound seductive. "I already told you it was never going to happen again. Leave me alone."

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to meet tomorrow, It would be really shitty of you not to tell me goodbye." I rolled my eyes, "If we do, will you leave me and my family alone? I was done with you a long time ago." I know it's a bad idea, but I just want her to go away.It was a mistake and I told her that."Yes.Fine.Anything you want, loverboy." She said, just as I heard the bathroom door unlock. "I've gotta go.Bye, Hannah." I hung up just as she slid out of the door in her pajamas.

"Who was that?" She asked, noticing me putting my phone down. "Oh, it was just Dan, nothing important. Just checking on us here." She nodded. I hated lying to her, but telling her the truth would ruin everything

She turned off the light and climbed into bed, curling up next to me. "I love you, you know that right?" I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her damp hair, "Yes, Rob. And I love you, no matter what." One tear slid down my cheek and into her hair.

She wouldn't if she knew the truth.


A/N: I know it's shorter than usual, but I hit my limit of guilty Rob today.He's breaking my heart, but he should feel guilty.

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