Chapter Twenty-Three: Me&You

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"We're the new face of failure,

Prettier and younger, but not any better off

Bulletproof loneliness at best, at best.

Me and you,

Setting in a honeymoon,

 If I woke up next to you..."

-Lex's POV (4AM)-

I woke before the plane landed, Rob was already wide awake surprisingly.And he was staring passed me, at a still sleeping Tate. "They are all going to shit a brick when they see how much he looks like me." I laughed, "And another one when they see how polite and well-behaved he is...Unlike someone...." I looked off, stiffling a laugh. "Well, atleast he isn't as sarcastic and mean as someone else..."He said, turning my face to his.I rolled my eyes, "It's too damn early to be bickering with you.Give me a few more hours of sleep and we can do this later." 

Tate was latched onto Rob's back as he rolled our suitcases to the rental we had gotten.We were staying at a hotel near the beach, Tate has never been before, So Rob was making it a family thing the day after Thanksgiving, er, tomorrow.Tate laid in the backseat, drifting back off to sleep as he was before.

I laid my head on Rob's shoulder, "I'm hungry." I whined, I sounded more like a child than Tate at this point.He chuckled and said, "We can get something at the 24-hour grocery store and make it at the hotel...There doesn't seem to be anything else open...."He trailed. "Oh, screw it.Let's get to the hotel and go to bed. You may never hear me say this again, but food can wait."

He stopped at a gas station and got me a big bag of BBQ chips and a bottle of water. "Thank you, baby." I mumbled as I stuffed my face with chips. "No talking with your mouth full, Alexus." He said, jokingly. I playfully glared at him and said, "Well then, I guess I'm not sharing them with you." He rolled his eyes, "I paid for those, mean ass." I chuckled, "I'm kidding, Robert, jeeze."

He parked the car and went to check us in. "Tate, baby, we're at the hotel now. Mommy would carry you if she could, but she has to deal with these crutches." He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "I know, Mommy.Don't worry."

Rob came back out with a luggage cart, opening the trunk and putting all our luggage on it. He told Tate to hop on, so he did, happily.

Once we got back to the room, Tate crashed on the bed closest to the window.I kissed his forehead and whispered goodnight, before laying down on our bed.

"Can you give me a shirt of your's to sleep in?" He nodded, digging through his stuff and throwing me one."Thank you. Can you do one more thing for me?" He turned back towards me, shirtless, due to the fact that he was in the middle of changing. "Yeah?" I closed my eyes, " I know you are going to laugh when I ask you this, but could you take my jeans off? I'm too tired to deal with getting them off with the cast." I heard him chuckle and i opened my eyes to see him, carefully, doing what I asked.This, I was pretty sure the first time he didn't have a slightly perverted joke to go with the situation.It kinda surprised me, but he is probably too tired, too.

I threw my dirty clothes to some random corner of the room and waited for him to get to bed.He fiddled with his phone while turning off the light and finally got in bed next to me.He kissed my forehead and whispered, "You didn't have to wait for me, you could've just went to sleep." I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered back, "By now, you should know that sleeping without you is damn near impossible now.And you weren't about to get away with not kissing me goodnight." He chuckled, "Alright, ma'am, if you say so." He kissed me softly and then said, "Goodnight, Lex. I love you." I smiled, though he probably didn't see it. "I love you more." I whispered, almost not even loud enough for myself to hear.I kissed his nose, "Goodnight."

The Only Hope For Me Is You//Gronk Fic//Where stories live. Discover now