Chapter Twenty: You'll Always Be My Baby

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'In the sunlight or the rain, brightest nights or darkest days,

I'll always feel the same way,

Whatever road you may be on,

Know you're too far gone, My love is there wherever you may be,

Just remember that you'll always be my baby.'


I got out of the shower, the hospital gave us a seat for it, so Rob wouldn't have to help me. I can't say he didn't try to convince me to let him, but that's just him being Rob.We are supposed to go to his mom's in two weeks for Thanksgiving, which will be amazing. But today the two of us are going to Tate's school to throw him a little party and bring cup cakes.

After I was dressed and ready to go, I was sitting on the couch waiting for Rob to get here.He was getting out of practice early and picking up the cupcakes that I ordered.I looked over and seen that I had the guitar that was Tate's when he was still alive. I smiled, remembering hearing him play his favorites to me when he learned them.I was always his audience.He taught me to play before he passed, but i hadn't been able to even think about playing again since he's been gone.

Part of me always wondered how he would be if he were still here, i know he'd love Tate with every fiber of his being and he probably would have been touring the world doing what he actually loved. Saving people with music, it's always what he wanted to do.

I was humming a Fallout boy song that I remember him playing me, when I heard Rob come in. "Ready, baby?" I nodded, looking at the guitar one more time before adjusting myself onto the crutches.


I hobbled along on my crutches while Rob carried everything, I felt so bad about that, but he felt bad making me do anything, so he wasn't going to let me help him. "Robbbbb. Are you even going to make it to the classroom?" He playfully glared at me, "Yeah, don't worry." We made it, but shoot he almost dropped the cupcakes like 10 times.

Miss Taylor offered me a chair and I took it, watching Rob get mobbed by children over cupcakes was the best. "Mommy!" Tate yelled, walking over and giving me a big hug.I squeezed him and said, "You should go thank your daddy. He put up with my orders and got everything right, give him some love." He kissed my cheek and walked over to Rob, hugging his legs.

"I thought Tate looked like someone, but now I see it." Miss Taylor said, nodding to him and Rob.I nodded, "It kind of drove me crazy, but he acts like me." She smiled, "You lucked out. I've got a two year old at home with my mother, her dad won't have anything to do with her." I looked at her with a weak smile, "I'm sorry, but that's his loss.Sometimes it is better to not have a dad than have someone who doesn't reallly care, they just feel like they have to.That's how my dad was, he messed me up really bad. But I'm better now. She'll be okay." I assured her.


"Mommy, Daddy, today is my party!" Tate came in our bedroom yelling with joy.I sat up and grabbed my crutches, using these are becoming a pain in the ass. I can't wait until I get this cast off.I got showered and changed into what I had ready for this morning.

After getting ready, I went downstairs where the boys were waiting for me.The door bell rang and I immediately remembered Jules and Mona were coming to help set up.We rented a bounce house and a slide for the kids and some adults I'd imagine, but that wasn't supposed to get here til noon.

I was sitting in a chair watching everyone set tables and stuff up, huffing and puffing because I couldn't do anything. "I wanna do something."I whined. Julian laughed at my childish tone.Mona shook her head, "Stay your ass right there, Lex.We don't need you breaking your other leg." I rolled my eyes, sighing loudly. "Stop being such a big baby,Lex." Rob chuckled lightheartedly, not meaning anything by that.

After the bounce house got here and the party was all set up in the back yard, I finally wasn't sitting alone.

Guest started around 2, starting with Tom's Brady bunch.

"How's your leg?" Gisele asked, sitting down next to me."Using the crutches is annoying and I hate being helpless, I just want it to be over to be honest." She nodded understandingly, "And how are you and Rob?" I smiled, "We''re great. We've put the whole situation behind us now, to be honest.Me almost dying was a big wake up call for him I guess."


-Rob's POV-

I was standing with Tom, Jules, and Chandler drinking, while watching the kids in the bounce house." I'm thinking about asking her to marry me, guys." I whispered, making them both nearly spit out their beer."WH-What?" Tom looked at me as if I was speaking a totally different language. "I'm thinking about asking Lex to marry me.You know, the beautiful woman with the broken leg, she's the mother of my child?" They looked at me with shock. "What?"

Chandler and Jules walked off, speechless at the moment. But Tom had an unreadable look on his face, "Rob, you know I love, Lex and you. You guys are magic together, but don't you think it's soon? I mean, you did cheat on her and she almost died. Are you sure you just don't feel guilty and think that marrying her will make up for it? Marriage is a huge step, Rob." I wouldn't have said anything if i knew this was the way he would react."It's not that, I love her. I love our son, I want it to be official." He bit his lip,"Just think about it for awhile, please.You may think it won't change anything, but it will."I shrugged, "Okay, I'll think about it. just don't say anything about it.

After telling Jules and Chandler not to say anything, I walked over to Lex, wrapping my arms around her shoulders from behind. "Hey." She turned her head to face me.I kissed her softly, then whispered, "I love you." She raised an eyebrow, "Okay, I love you, too, weirdo." I kissed her temple and then went to get another beer.I heard the girls 'awwing'.

Maybe Tom is right. Maybe I just feel guilty about everything and feel like that will help, but I know one thing for sure.

I've known it to be true since highschool and it is: I do want to be with this girl for the rest of my life, whether I marry her this year or 10 years from now.It will happen eventually, I'm sure of it.

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