Chapter Five: Are You Jealous?

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I looked at Tate in the mirror, he was looking out the window. I turned on the radio and his favorite girl was on the radio, Taylor Swift. "It's your girlfriend, Tate!" He blushed, "She's not my girlfriend....but she is very pretty." I smiled as I heard him singing along, that's my baby.

We got to the Patriots practice field at the exact time Rob told us to and we grabbed lunch for him too, because I talked him into letting me do it.

We sat on the sidelines for a little bit, watching them until they took a break.

Julian was the first one over, "Well hey there, Alexus. miss me?"He winked. I laughed, "You know it, Julian.How bad was that hangover?" He shook his head and laughed, "I'd rather not talk about it.Is this the little guy?" Julian asked, gettin down to Tate's level."Tate, this is Julian."I introduced him ,"Hi, Julian." He said, shaking his hand.

Rob finally got over here, "Hey little man!" he scooped Tate up in his arms, just then noticing Julian there."I see you've met Minitron." Tate raised an eyebrow, confused. Julian got back up, "Well, I met her that night at the bar, but yeah I just met the little one."

Tate hugged Rob's neck, "Daddy, mommy brought you food." and everyone turned and looked at Rob, "Yes, he's my kid. It's a long story, okay?Look somewhere else now." Julian looked at me and then back at Rob, "I didn't see that one coming. Are you guys...?" I shook my head and he nodded.

"I had to come over and see this." 12 said as he walked over looked at Tate and Rob, then at me. "Tom Brady." He introduced himself. "Alexus, and his name is Tate." He smiled at him, "How do you like it so far?" He asked Rob."It's pretty amazing. I see why you are so crazy about your kids now."

After we ate, the guys actually started teaching Tate how to play. "I wanna teach him to catch, Rob." Danny whined. "Well too bad, Amendola. He's mine." Tom got this annoyed look on his face, "Shut up, guys and pay attention or I'll let him aim at your faces." Tom then got down and was teaching Tate how to throw the football.

"Why aren't you out there?" I asked Julian, who was sitting in the grass next to me. "Eh, I figured you would get lonely." I smiled,"Aw, thank you, you didn't have to do that." He scooted a bit closer, "And between us, I kinda wanted to watch the amusement that will be watching them." i chuckled, "Yeah, Rob and Danny seem to be fighting over him, it's cute."

"So, What do you do....I mean besides being this totally hott and awesome Mom?" I laughed and blushed, "I don't know about the totally hott thing, but thank you.Well, I'm a Pediatrician at a clinic here in town."

"Well, you are beautiful, so shut up." He laughed, "And that's awesome, we visit the kids at the hospital a lot here and just seeing them smile because we took the time to see them is worth all the negative things about this proffession."

"That's awesome, I can admire that."I smiled.

I looked at the field and Rob was watching us,"Uh, hey, Danny, will you switch sides with me?" Danny looked at him confused, but he switched sides with him.So now Rob was a couple feet from us.

"So, are you and Tate doing anything tonight?" I shook my head, feeling Rob's eyes on us.

"Well, Could I take you and him out for dinner or something?" I saw Rob roll his eyes, he heard Julian.

I smiled, "I don't think that would be a good idea.You are sweet, Julian, but my friend likes you a lot and I need all the friends I can get around here.You should give her a call though."

He nodded, "I can respect that. Your a good friend, Lex.I think I will give her a shot, she was cute."

I looked back over at Rob and he was smiling, probably because I rejected Julian.He was so jealous, it was hilarious.Julian got a ball off the bench and we started tossing it. I played it off that I couldn't really throw, when in reality, I had a great arm from pitching in softball.

"You suck, no offense." I acted hurt, "Okay, if I can't get this ball to you in the endzone all the way down there, you owe me all the alcohol I can consume on a night out sometime, okay?"He nodded, "Deal."

He ran down to the endzone and I hurled it down the field, right to him.

"Touchdown, Mommy!" Tate yelled and the guys started cheering."I think I got bamboozled there, but a deal is a deal.Whenever you wanna go out, it's there." he bowed respectfully.

"Cool it, Lex. You may take my job." Tom joked.

"Alright, I'm back.Let's get back to practice guys." Coach Belichick said, gathering the team up.


After practice, Rob met Tate and I at my car. "Did you have fun, little man?"He nodded, "Can i come back sometime?"Rob nodded, "As long as it's okay with Mommy, it's okay with me."

I nodded, "Go get in your car seat, baby.We gotta get home so you can do your make up work before bed."Rob got down and gave him a hug, "I love you, Tate.Be good for, Mommy.I'll see you tomorrow."He let go, "I love you, too, Daddy.Bye."He got in the car and shut the door, leaving us alone.

"So you and Julian really bonded today." I laughed, "I noticed your little switch with Danny.You were jealous, I could tell." He shook his head, "Pshhh, I was not." But his smile gave it away. "Robert James Gronkowski,Don't lie to me. I know how you look when you are jealous and you indeed were."

He shrugged, "Okay, so what if I was? You were my first real love, what do you expect?" I chuckled, "Nothing, it was just adorable and I wanted to pick on you about it." It got quiet.He bite his bottom lip, staring at my lips.

Come on, Rob, kiss me, please.

He looked like he was about to, but he pulled back, "See you tomorrow, Lex." He turned away and walked to his car.

Ugh, why does he do this to me? He gets jealous when other guys give me attention, but doesn't have the balls to make a move.What the hell is holding him back now?

I got in my car and went home, listening to Taylor Swift and binging on ice cream until I pass out.

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