Chapter Eight: Fireproof

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"Oh, what'd he say?" I said, my voice going a little higher than usual.

He chuckled, "Oh, he outted you about Friday. He thought I made you stay because I was jealous, which pissed him off deeply. But we're good now. I just want to tell you i'm not mad, I just wish you would have told me."

I sighed, "Well, with how you got at practice the other night, I didn't want to see you like that again.As cute as you are when you are jealous, you are equally as annoying too."

He shrugged, "I don't get jealous."

I rolled my eyes and tossed the small pillow off the bed at him, "That is bullshit, Gronkowski and you know it."

"Oh, so it's going to be like that now, is it?" He lunged at me, trying to tickle me and I tried to jump on the bed and roll across, but I failed.

He grabbed my ankle and pulled me back across and pinned my hands above my head with one hand. Tickling me with the other.

"Rob....Stop...oh my god....stoppppp." I whined between laughs.

"Nope, not until you say I you admit that I don't get jealous and that I'm awesome."

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously?I am not saying that. What are we, 10?"

"If you insist...." he started tickling my sides again. 

"Okay, god, You don't get jealous and you are awesome!STOP NAOOOOOOOW."

He stopped, "See, that's all you had to do."

I sat up and he rested his hands on my knees, "So, we should go on a date this weekend."

I giggled, "And where did you have in mind?"

"I hadn't thought up that part yet, but would you want to go on one?"

I pursed my lips, "Hmm....I dunno...." His face dropped at how serious I was.

I cracked a smile, "God yes, Rob. I was just kidding, I'd love to."

"I'll see if Tom and his kids wanna come over like Saturday so we can do it then?" I nodded and he took off to make the call.

*Rob's POV*

"Hey, man. I got another favor to ask you...." 

I heard Tom sigh on the other end of the line, "And that is what, Gronk?"

"Well, I wanted to take Lex on a date Saturday......It will be our first since highschool actually.Oh god....What should we do?" I freaked a little, I haven't done the dating since highschool.

"Calm down, So we'll take Tate. Put some thought into it, Rob, I'm sure you'll remember something that she likes to do." 

"Thanks, Tom. I really have no idea what I'd do with out you, sometimes." I chuckled at the end, realizing how dumb that really sounded.

"It's no problem, I'm glad you guys are trying this. She seems like a good girl who is into you for the right reasons, I approve." He said, before we said our goodbyes.

I walked down to the kitchen, to see her pouring a drink and moving her hips to Uptown Funk on the radio. I watched, trying to keep quiet until she noticed I was there.

"Ugh, I thought I told you not to do that."She punched my shoulder, playfully.

"I don't remember you being this violent, what happened?" I said, joking of course.

She shrugged, "I got tired of people scaring me like that." Pretending to be mad.

I wrapped my arms around her in a hug and spun her around, "You are literally the second most difficult person to be mad at, besides Tate." 

I pulled away and giving her a quick kiss on the lips, "Well, you make it really difficult not to want to kiss you all the time..."

She shook her head, still as modest as she'd always been.

"I could write a novel on everything I love about you Lex, and that wouldn't even begin to explain it." 

She giggled, "You are too cute."

*Back To Lex's POV*

"Rob, quit." I giggled, he couldn't keep his mouth away from my neck.

"You don't sound like you want me to stop." He smirked.

"Boy, get outta here with that look.You know how I feel about it."

"I wish you guys could stay here tonight. I've had so much fun with you guys."

I smiled, "Now, remember I still have a decision to make? I'll give it to you tomorrow."

He leaned in, touching his forehead to mine.

"It'd be nice to have somebody, let alone the two of you to come home to.This house is big and nice, but empty."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "You make a reasonable point, Mr. Gronkowski. I'll keep it in mind."

"I'll give you one more thing to keep in mind, Ms.Orson...." He grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine, again. 

Things were getting heated, when I heard someone clearing their throat. I pulled away to see Tate grinning like a maniac, "Mommy, I'm ready to go." I nodded, flustered that my kid knows exactly what was going on.

"Okay, sweetie, just let me finish the dishes." I turned back to the sink and started it up again.

"And, I, uh...will come wait for her with you." Rob sounded embarassed too, which made me laugh on the inside.

After finishing the dishes, I went upstairs and grabbed my stuff from Rob's room.

"You guys got everything?" He asked me when I rolled my window down.

"Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow." I kissed his cheek, which I saw Tate smiling.

Oh, that child is up to something, I feel it.

"See you guys tomorrow. you, both of you." He stumbled on his words, it was adorable.

I couldn't keep this smile off of my face, so I looked down.

"I love you, too, Daddy." Tate giggled.

"I love you, too, Rob.Goodnight."

He kissed my forehead and went to give Tate kisses too.

When I went to bed, I checked my phone to see I had a text from Rob of course.

'I know you may be asleep by now, but I did mean it, Lex. I always loved you and always will.No matter what you've done in the past, I don't care.Sleep well and have a great day tomorrow. Goodnight, beautiful.'

I laid my head down and realized how much I hated sleeping alone now.

I laid 


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