Chapter Thirteen: Rooting For My Baby

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It was a nice day here in Foxborough, Tate was getting a piggy back ride from Rob and my small hand clung to his. He was taking us to the Patriots Pro Shop to get jerseys for the first game of the season tomorrow.

We walked in, thankfully, we were early enough that noone was here except the cashier. I found Rob's jersey in Tate's size, but when I looked for mine, I decided to mess with him.

I walked over and found my size in Chandler's jersey, holding it up to myself, "What about this one?" He turned around and started laughing as soon as he saw it, "Oh, so you want Jonesy's jersey? Well, get him down here and he can buy it, because I am not." I rolled my eyes and put it down, "What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't wear yours?" He shrugged, "A pretty bad one, but atleast little man has got my back, right?"He got down to Tate's height and Tate nodded, "I got  your back forever." I smiled at their cute little moment, before finding his jersey in my size, "Happy now?" I laid it down with Tate's at the register. "I'm always happy, I don't know what you are talking about, missy."

Some how, the paps ended up being right infront of the shop, so wea had to figure out how to keep them from Tate. Him being as introverted as he is, I don't know he'd react.

Rob picked him up and told him to close his eyes and not open them until he told him to, burying the kids face in the crook of his neck.

 We made it to the car alright, I kind of tuned out the paps, thank god. It's not that I care what they were saying, but if they said anything about Tate, I would lose it.That's my little boy and no one will mess with him, no matter who his father is.

"I don't know how you do it." I said, sitting down on the couch next to him. Tate was upstairs,he fell asleep in the car so we put in his bed. "Do what?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "They are literally almost every where you go. I can't even begin to understand it...." He chuckled, "As long as I've been doing it, I'm amazed I knocked anyone's lights out yet. But you know the minute they say anything negative about you and Tate, I won't hesitate. You guys are my family now." He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, "I promise."


Game day

I was sitting with Gisele and the Brady bunch on one the right side of me, Tate and Mona on the left. It was a miracle that we all got sat here together, I still don't know how the guys did it.

"Gisele, this is Mona. Mona, this is Gisele, Vivian, Ben, and John." I introduced them all to eachother. "When is Daddy coming out, Mommy?" Tate grabbed my shoulder, eager to see the Rob in his element. "He'll be out soon, calm down. You aren't going to miss him, he towers over everyone." 

First, the Steelers came out, people going crazy with those little yellow towels.There were a lot of them around us, but also quite a bit of Pats fans, hopefully they'll be no fights today. I know Rob showed me that fight that happened at the end of Super Bowl last year and I hope it just didn't get bad with Tate up here.Call me an overly worried mother, but I just want him to be safe at all times.

Then the crowd went ballistic when the Pats came out through the tunnel, "There he is, Tate!" I pointed and he started squealing in pure happiness, it was adorable.

As he made his way over to the bench, kick off not being for another few minutes, he walked over to us.

"Hey, little man, ya havin fun?" He reached up and ruffled Tate's hair. For the average person, that would be difficult, but Rob being 6'6 monster of a man that he is, he had no problem."Yeah!" He giggled, he's the cutest thing, I swear.I was holding Vivian on my leg while Gisele took Ben to the restroom.

"Kids driving you crazy yet, Lex?" Tom walked up next to Rob. "Nah, Viv and the boys are great, but I'm counting on it to get crazy when the game starts." Tom nodded, "It always does." Now Jules was walkinghis sassy butt over here.

"Hey, baby." He looked up at Mona wiith a big smile. She beamed down at him, "Hey, you." And then he looked at me, "Your glowing, Lex." I blushed, he would say that, knowing what I kinda told him yesterday, well he kinda guessed to be honest. Mona looked between us and we started laughing, "I'll explain later, theres some stuff I have to tell you.Lunch tomorrow?" She smiled, "Yes, always."

"We're back. Hey, boys!" Gisele said, relieving me of Vivian duties.

After talking for a bit, Rob told me to lean down there, "What?"I smiled. He grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me, every person turning their attention to us. "That's all I wanted. People can say what they want. I love you." I giggled, "I love you, too. Now go do your job." He poked my nose, "Yes, ma'am." He high fived Tate and made his way over to the bench.

"In all my years of knowing him, I've never seen that side of him." Gisele smiled, "You guys are so cute, it's kind of annoying." I laughed, "Well, You and Tom are literally the power couple round here, not to mention you guys are so adorable." I nudged Mona, "What is the status with you and Jules?" She smiled, "We aren't official yet, but it's getting close."


As the game was in the final 20 seconds, Tom was gonna try for a touchdown on this last drive on the 20 yard line, to win the game, 14-14 at the moment.Tate was squeezing my hand, "Mommy, what's going to happen?" He whispered. "Just wait and see, baby. I don't know."

Tom got the snap, scrambling around, tackles missing him and he got to Rob right in the back of the endzone. Tate and I cheered, as Gostkowski got the extra point, the final score being 21-14.

Tate and I waited outside the locker room with Gisele and Mona and the kids, running around like crazy people.

After about 30 minutes, out came Tom, Rob, and Julian in that order.We all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways for the day.


I was making dinner and listening to Pandora on my phone, 'Paparazzi' by Lady Gaga was playing, which I thought was kind of ironic.

I sang along, feeling someone come up behind me, like always.I turned around  and continued singing, "Promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine." He wrapped his arms around me, " But I'm already yours." I raised my eyebrow, "And it better stay that way."

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