Chapter Twenty Two: This Love

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"This love is good, this love is bad,

This love is alive, back from the dead,

These hands had to let it go free,

And this love came back to me."


I zipped up Tate and I's bags I had packed, we were flying down to Florida tonight for Thanksgiving tomorrow.Rob had some team meetings today and Tate had gotten out of school early, Mona brought him home because I still can't drive.Curse this cast and my stupid broken leg. I hate feeling like I can't do anything.

"Mommy, when will Daddy be home?I don't like you trying to do things by yourself." He said, pointing to the suitcases.I laughed, "Honey, believe me, I'm not taking on anything that I can't handle.He'll be home in a little while." He nodded, "I'm gonna go play with my legos, tell me if you need anything." I smiled ,"Okay, baby." And with that being said, he went off to his room.

-Rob's POV-

I told Lex I had some meetings today, when I was actually at the mall with Gisele and Mona.The two people she was closest to. "Why are we here, Rob?" Gisele asked, Mona nodding, I hadn't told them exactly why I wanted them here. "Well, I'm gonna tell you two this and you have to not say anything to Lex, okay?" They both got puzzled looks on their faces, but nodded.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking this passed week and I've decided that I am going to propose while we are down in Florida for Thanksgiving...." I put fingers in my ears, knowing exactly what would come next. After they calmed down, the questions started. "How are you going to do it?" Mona asked. "I'm keeping that part a secret for now." She nodded, sadly. "Are we here to help you pick out the ring?" I nodded, "That is exactly what I need help with today, ladies."

-Lex's POV-

I struggled down the stairs with the suitcases, just as I was about to crash, Rob was at the bottom, catching me at the right time. "I told you I'd bring them down when I got home.You could have seriously hurt yourself." He shook his head, laughing a little bit. I shrugged, "I could have made it.....You suddenly being there scared me." Making up the best excuse I could.

He rolled his eyes, "Tate ready to go? We've gotta be at the airport in an hour.Figured we'd grab something to eat at the airport."I nodded and hobbled over to the couch while he went upstairs to get Tate and his stuff.

I turned up the radio and a One Direction song was on.Rob started to turn it, when I slapped his hand away, "Don't you dare." He looked at me with the most confused expression on his face, ever. "Seriously?" I nodded, "You either love One Direction or not, it's a deal breaker for me."  He rolled his eyes, "Okay."

"You think she's kidding, but she's not." Tate said from the back seat."See, even he knows." Rob chuckled, "I'm sure she'll make an exception, little man."

-Rob's POV-

Tate and I were sitting in the airport lobby, waiting for our flight to board and Lex just went to the bathroom."So, I have a secret that I need you to help me with, but you can't tell Mommy, okay?" He nodded. "I'm going to ask Mommy to marry me, is that okay with you? I figured I'd ask you first." His little mouth dropped, "Yes, Of course!" I told him the plan and he pinky promised that he wouldn't say any thing.

-Lex's POV-

I walked back to a very giggly and suspicious Rob and Tate. "Weirdos." Just as I was getting comfortable, an announcer came on to say we were boarding now. "Ugh." I grabbed my crutches and hobbled through security.

We took our seats, Tate was next to the window, then me and Rob. "It'll be awhile, guys. You two get some sleep." He said, Wrapping an arm around both of us.I decided to take his advice and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

-Rob's POV-

I looked down at both of them sleeping, smiling to myself.Thinking about how everything has changed in the passed few months.Yeah, not everything went as planned. This time last year, I was living alone and still a bit of a party boy. Now, I'm at home with my family every night and nothing can possibly break us apart again.Not another girl, not football,and certainly not her father, nothing can take this away from me now.

Sure, I almost messed this up and I almost lost her again, but it came back to me.I'm sure it is meant to be now.


A/N: I know it's short, but this is just so I could get an update in before my sister took off with the laptop again.I'll have it this weekend and next week is her Spring break next week.Til then, Love you guys! :)


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