Chapter Nine: Like Always

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I walked into work this morning, but was immediately stopped by Mona and pulled me into my office."They have brought in another doctor to help run the place....He's kind of dreamy....but not as dreamy as yeah." I laughed, "Great, So great."

"So how are you and Rob?" She asked, nudging me with a smile.

"Well, yesterday he asked me if Tate and I wanted to-" We were interrupted by a man opening the door. He had dark, brown/black hair and blue eyes. He was around 6'0 and was the white coat made him look muscular.

"Um, Dr. Orson, can we talk for a moment?" I nodded. Mona left the room, but I knew I'd end up spilling everything at lunch.

"I'm Dr. Blake Howard. They hired me here so I could half the work load with you. They say you have a son?"He stuck his hand out to shake and I took it. I nodded, "I'm Dr. Alexus J. Orson, but everyone around her calls me Lex. Yes, His name is Tate. He's seven and I like to be at home with him as much as I can."

"That's understandable.I have no children, but I imagine being a parent is the hardest thing in the world." He smiled respectively, which is when I realized how good looking he actually was.

"Well, thank you. I really loved kids, it was my reasoning for choosing this profession."

"Could we maybe discuss the number of patients and which ones we will take on at lunch? My treat." I shrugged, "I guess so, what better time to do it really?" He nodded, "It was nice meeting you, Lex." I smiled, "it was nice meeting you, too, Blake."

*Rob's POV*

I was at practice, but my head hadn't really been in it today. I was preoccupied with the thought of Lex's answer.

"So, how is it going with Lex?" Julian asked, we weren't mad anymore, thank god. We had too good of a friendship to let that weird things out for us.

"Pretty great, I actually asked her if she and Tate wanted to move in yesterday, but she's not answering me until tonight though."

Julian looked surprised, "Really? Isn't it a bit early for that?"

I shrugged, "We have a kid together, Jules. And I've already missed out on enough with him. I figured it was worth a shot."

He pursed his lips, "I guess you are right now that I think about it. Tate's a good kid, he deserves to have both of his parents around."

"And plus, since she'd been staying with me, last night when she was gone....the bed felt empty. I felt like I was missing something. It's like highschool all over again, except no stupid classes and my brothers aren't here to pick on me about her...."

"I think it's love for you my friend, I have never seen you act like this."

I smiled at that comment, "Something is for sure changing here."

*Back To Lex's POV*

Blake and I got done eating and figuring the patient thing out early when he asked, "So, are you with the father of your child?"

I thought it was kind of unprofessional for him to asking this, but I answered anyway, "Kind of, yeah."

"That doesn't sound too sure...." He trailed.

"Well it's complicated and pretty personal." Was all I said in a 'Done with this' tone.

He must have read it, because he went to his own office after that.

I clocked out and sat with Mona after Blake and everyone left.

"Blake was really weird at lunch....He pretty much asked if I was single, which I think is pretty unprofessional. And when I wouldn't tell him about my ' kind of' relationship, he left and went to his office. It was like he was mad that I wasn't telling him anything...."

"Or maybe he likes you." She nudged me.

"How about no? He's a goodlooking guy, but I can't work with someone I date and....Rob asked me out on a date for this weekend." I giggled, thinking about our conversation yesterday.

"Aw, that's great. I'm happy for you, Lex."

"He also asked if Tate and I would like to move in...."

Her eyes widened, "That's a little quick isn't it?"

"Not really, we were together for a year before he went to Arizona and I think he just wants to be closer to Tate....I think he feels like he missed out on a lot of baby-Father things..."

"Atleast you and him will be taken care of. That's all I could really ever ask a guy of for one of my bestfriends."

I smiled, "Aw, you are too sweet. So how are you and Jules?"

She blushed, "Well we went on our 2nd date last night, we went to an ice-skating rink because I told him on my night at the bar with him that I'd always wanted to go and he took was great. i'm really liking him at this point. he really is a great guy..." She sighed, looking like she was in a daze. 

"Aww, I'm happy for you. Well, I gotta go, Tate will be off the bus in 20. See you tomorrow, Mona."

Tate and I went straight from the house to Rob's, we were barely even at home any more any way. Moving wouldn't be that big of a difference and it would probably be cheaper on gas.

I was making dinner while the boys watched Sponge Bob in the living room, again. Them and Sponge Bob, damn. I heard their laughter ringing every few minutes, Tate's being the most hysterical.

I then felt some big, strong arms wrap around my waist, "How long now?" He whispere in my ear. "Lasagna will be done in 20." I said, nonchalantly, but I felt goosebumps just from his hot breath in my ear.

He kissed my cheek and I looked at him, "What?"

"Your beautiful, that's all. Have you come to a decision about moving in yet?" He bit his lip nervously.

"How about I tell you after dinner, fair?" 

He nodded, "Alright." He started to walk off, but I pulled him back into a hug and kissed the right corner of his mouth.I then turned back to the garlic bread to put into the oven.

"You sure do know how to drive a man crazy, Alexus." 

I smiled, "But you love it and you know it."

He nodded, "Yeah...your right." It was quiet for a minute, then his big ass hand smacked my ass hard.

I glared at him and he just smirked back at me, before he walked back into the living room with Tate.
"I guess should have saw that coming. It's impossible for the man to behave himself all the time." I said to myself.

After dinner, Rob stared at me until I broke the silence. "So, Tate, how would you feel if I told you that Daddy has asked for us to move in with him?"

His brown eyes widened, "I'd be soooooo happy if we did!" He exclaimed, obviously excited

"So, Rob, I have to give my two weeks notice on our house, but I've decided that this would be what's best for all of us."

After celebrating, Tate went back to the living room to catch the last episode of Spnge Bob before we leave.

Rob was helping me put the last of the dishes away, when I was pressed up against the counter with his lips on mine, almost exactly like the night before.

"I can't even describe how happy I am that you said yes." He smiled, then started, "To be honest, the bed was pretty lonely without you last night."

I laughed, "How weird is it that I felt the same way being alone in bed?"

He rested his hand on the small of my back and said, "And as long as your here with me, we won't have that problem, I promise." He kissed my forehead, making me smile.

Like always.

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