Chapter Fourteen: Clarity

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-A Month Later-

"Babe, you okay?" Rob asked from the bedroom, I was on the floor in front of the toilet for the 3rd time this week, but he doesn't know it's the third. "Yeah, it must have just been something I ate." I got up and started to brush my teeth.

I started to put my coat and shoes on to take Tate to school, But Rob stopped me."Don't worry about it, I'll take him.You just lay down and relax." I started to object, but he shushed me."I got this, Lex. You just go back to bed." He kissed my forehead, "I love you.Now go to bed." I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I love you too.Give Tate a kiss for me."

-12:00 PM-

"I don't know, Gisele. I don't know if I could handle something like that right now....If it's true." As these past few weeks have came and went, Gisele and I have grown close, which is why she is the one I'm talking to about this. Mona wouldn't get it, even if I do trust her.

I've told her about how I've been sick for the passed few days and how I'm a week late, which honestly scares the hell out of me. We just got our realationship back on track and it was going great, but I don't know how he'll react to this.

"You've gotta get a test, Lex...The boys are at school, the only one with me is Viv. I could go with you and stay with you while you take it.You don't have to do this alone..." She trailed. I sniffled a bit, "Alright, when's the soonest you can be here?" I picked some clothes out of the closet for myself.

"I'll be there in half an hour, that okay?" I sighed, "Yeah, I'll see you then...Thank you." I bit my lip and looked down. "No problem, What are friends for right?" I smiled, "I'll see ya in a bit. Bye, G."

I got dressed and headed down stairs, still not feeling like eating. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. I don't know what I'll do if it's positive, I don't think I'm ready for another child just yet. Tate's birthday is coming up and I've got things with Rob straightened out and everything is perfect. And I don't know if he's ready either, he's barely scratched the surface being a father yet.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a car horn blowing, assuming it's Gisele, I went outside.I grabbed my phone and walked out to the small Altima she was driving, slumping into the seat.

It was a quiet ride to Walgreens, but a comfortable silence. "I'll go get the test, someone may alert the paps your here, I got this. This is the easy part." She smiled weakly, "Okay, honey."

I got out and quickly went into the store, heading straight for the tests. Ugh, i have to take some stupid paper up there and a worker will get one for me.As if I want ten billion people looking at me funny.

"Hey, your  that girl that Gronk was with at the game the other day." The guy at the register said, before getting the test for me. "Uh, I think you have me confused with someone else. Football players aren't my type." I lied. "Okay,sorry. Well, goodluck." I paid for the test and headed straight out the door.

I got back in the car with the small plastic bag, holding what may make or break my realationship possibly.

As we pulled up the drive, I saw Rob's car was home. "Aw shit." I muttered. "You want me to stay?" Gisele rested her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged, "It looks like I'll have to handle this one on my own." She nodded, "I understand, Call me if you need anyhting. Goodluck, girl." She gave me a hug and I smiled at little Vivian in the back seat, who giggled in response.

I walked up to the door, my heart felt like it was going to explode really.

"Where have you been?" He asked as I walked into the living room. "I-It's complicated, Rob." He got up, rubbing the back of his neck, "I came home early because I told coach you were sick and I wanted to help you out and get Tate on time, but you weren't here." I looked down, "I can't tell you right now."

"You are doing it again. Are you leaving me again or something? Did you meet someone else, is that where you've been?" He shouted, making me flinch."No, It's not that at all. Don't you trust me?" he shrugged, "And how am I supposed to believe that when you've left before?"  I ran a hand through my hair, " That was different, Rob and you know it!" He shook his head, "I'm out.You can pick Tate up yourself, since you obviously feel better."


Here I was, at 3AM, still up and sitting in our bed waiting for him to get home. Yeah, I feel bad for not telling him, but I didn' want to tell him unless I was sure that I was. I hadn't even taken the test, yet, but I guess now would be a good time.

While I was in the bathroom, I heard someone coming up the stairs. I did what I had to do and went out to see if he'd finally made it home.I looked out to see him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. "I'm not going to ask where you've been, I'm just happy that your home safe."

"I was at Tom's...Just talking...I didn't mean to worry you.I just....Needed to get some space.I'm sorry about earlier..." I tilted his chin up,  "It's okay, I should have just told you what was up...I'm sorry too." He wrapped his arms around my waist, "So, what was it anyway?" I put one finger up and said, "Hold on a second."

I walked back into the bathroom, picking up the box and the test. It was negative, thank God.

I walked back into the bedroom holding up the test, "Gisele took me to get this. I was scared, but didn't want to tell you until I was sure." He took it out of my hand and looked at it, "Is this positive or negative?"He kept flipping it around to figure out what the lines meant.I giggled,"It's negative, honey."

"Hmm, is it bad that I'm kinda sad about that?" He whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "No, but why?" He leaned in and kissed my forehead, "Seeing Tom and Vivian together after the game, he is literally wrapped around her little finger.I wouldn't mind having a little girl eventually, so when they are older, She'll have two protectors: Daddy and Tate." I smiled, " You are such a softy, Gronkowski." He put his finger to his lips, "Shhh, don't let the others know that." 

I laughed, "Gotta keep that scary football player act up. Let's get to bed or we'll both be cranky tomorrow."  He nodded and kissed me one more time, We both curled up under the blankets and I "Love you, bae." He said, like a teenage girl. I nuzzled into his neck, "Love you, too, swagmaster." His chest shook with laughter, then we both almost instantly fell asleep.

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