Chapter Twenty-Six: Because Of You

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"Because of you,

I never stray too far from the sidewalk,

Because of you,

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt,

Because of you,

I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me,

Because of you,

I am afraid."


I sat in a police interrogation room with Rob, waiting to hear anything about my son.The police were being ridiculous and keeping what they knew to themselves.It was royally pissing me off at this point.

Finally, a grey headed man walked in holding a clip board. "I'm Detective Reynolds, I've been assigned to this case and I promise we are trying our best to find him.We have a couple questions though and I'd appreciate if you would both cooperate." I nodded, "Anything that will bring my baby home." Rob nodded, his eyes were puffy and red from crying because he felt like all this is his fault.I kept reminding him that it wasn't, but it was no use.

" The teacher that was in charge of his group  said an older woman in a blue hatchback said she was his grandmother, so he let him go with her, because the last name on her ID was indeed the same as his and yours.So obviously she's related to you...." My blood boiled, The blue hatchback was a dead give away. My freaking mother. "My mother drives a blue hatchback." I spoke, in a not so nice tone."Would she have a reason to want to hurt him?" I shrugged,"The last time I talked to her, I told her to leave me and him alone. I hated her for never trying to stop my dad from hurting me and my brother, she would just say we deserved it...." I trailed, those awful feelings coming back, making tears stream down my cheeks. I felt Rob squeeze my hand reassuringly.

"Any place in particular she would be taking him?" I sighed, "She must still live at their house in Pittsburg, that's all I really know. I can give you the address though.We haven't been on good terms since I left for here. She wanted us to stay, but I couldn't bare to be around her anymore."He nodded, "Do you have a recent picture of Tate? And maybe one of her? We can put this all out on the news tonight and maybe someone will come forward and know something."I nodded, looking through my phone and sending them to his e-mail.

"You two rest, we'll handle this." I nodded, waving goodbye to the detective."That bitch better hope I don't find her before the cops do." I muttered, to no one in particular.

Rob and I got to the car, stopping in our tracks. He wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug and before I noticed it, I was balling."Shhhh, baby, if I have to personally drag her here myself, we will find her and she will pay for this." I looked up at him, "I just don't understand how I got stuck with her psycho self as my mother. She never loved me and she's just taken him because she knows it will tear me up....How can anyone do that to their own child?" I sobbed into his chest. He kissed my temple and  said, "I don't know, babe. You were the best child they could have possibly had, they just didn't see that. But we're not them. I love you, we are going to get through this.Let's just go home okay?" I wipped my eyes, "I love you, too.I can't promise that I'll sleep tonight, but yeah. Let's go."


Rob stayed home today with me, we were on the couch cuddling. I was exhausted from not sleeping all night, it was impossible.But now, I just couldn't go any longer.I gave in to my now concrete like heavy eyelids.

-Rob's POV-

I looked down at Lex, she had fallen asleep with her head in my lap. This is as relaxed as she's been in the passed 24 hours.I moved some stray pieces of hair out of her face. She get's her cast off in the next week.I leaned my head back to go to sleep myself, when her phone rang. I picked it up and answered, since it was Detective Reynolds.

"Hello?"I said. "I'm guessing this is you, Rob." He chuckled. "Yeah, it's me. She just fell asleep, she didn't sleep last night. What's up?" He sighed, "We have your boy and her mother down here at the station. Someone had saw her dragging him out of a gas station bathroom and we got her on the interstate." I felt  myself finally be able to breath clearly. "We'll be down there in a minute.Thank you." I hung up the phone, completely relieved.

"Lex, wake up, baby.We have to go get, Tate.He's at the station."She shot up, eyes wide open.We both hurried out to the car, eager to have our boy in our arms again.

-Let's POV-

As soon as the car was parked, tell both of us sprinted into the station as fast as we could.

"BABY!" I yelled as soon as I laid eyes on him."MOMMY!"He cried as he got up and ran to me, arms stretched out wide.I immediately started crying happy tears, just glad to know my baby was okay.

Rob joined in the hug and Tate smiled, "DADDY!" He wrapped his little arms around his neck. "Hey, Taterbug.Glad to have you back.I missed you...."

I wiped my tears away, my mother glaring over at us as they locked her in her cell.I shook my head and walked over," That is the last time you or anyone tries to ruin my family again.If these bars weren't between us, you would be on the ground in the worst pain of your life.Don't you ever come near my family again or you won't even live to tell the tale." She laughed in my face, "You think this is how it's going to be forever?You are mistaken if you think he won't make you as miserable as your father made me.He doesn't love you and he never could."

I shook my head,"That's where you are wrong.I am nothing like you and he is nothing like him.We may have our ups and downs, but you will never destroy what we have, which is a family full of love, Not hate.Good riddance, 'Mother'."

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