Chapter Twelve: Loved

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I rolled onto my side to see Rob

still sleeping, His arm was locked around my waist. I decided to attempt to get up and get dressed, seeing as I was still naked. I tried to roll out of bed, but he pulled me back, "Don't leave." He whispered, not opening his eyes just yet.. "I'm not leaving, dumby. I am just gonna get up and make breakfast. Don't worry." I giggled, brushing his cheek with my thumb. "Okay, I'll be down in a little bit." I nodded, "Mind if I borrow the sheet, I kind of have to find clothes." He was awake now and smirked, "You don't have to wear clothes...." I shook my head, "That would be unsanitary, so that's not an option.Nice try though." I took the sheet and he was left with just the comforter, which covered him from the waist down.

I wrapped it aroundmy small body and grabbed my underwear, I slid those on before just grabbing one of Rob's t-shirts out of the dresser. I walked downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

I got out the pancake mix, eggs, biscuits, and bacon. I don't care what anyone says, I feel like breakfast is the best meal of the day. I don't have a lot of time in the morning during the week to make it, but on the weekends I go all out.

"It smells great, babe. Need any help?" Rob's hand rested on the small of my back and kissed my cheek.I glanced up at him and asked, "Could you flip the bacon when needed?I've already finished the eggs, so I've gotta keep my eye on the pancakes and the biscuits." He nodded and started doing what I told him to.

About 30 minutes later, we were sat down and digging in. "This is really good, babe. Thank you for making it."  I smiled, finishing up my eggs. "I'm gonna go shower, alright?" He nodded, "I'll take the dishes when I get done, don't worry about it." I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Thank you, baby. how sweet are you?" 

After getting dressed after the shower, I was ready to go relieve Tom and Gisele of their duties taking care of Tate.

"I've called Chandler, Jules, and Danny. They are all coming over to help move stuff and I called Tom, He said that Tate could stay until later tonight so we don't have to drag him back and forth." I nodded, He was already dressed from before breakfast."I gave them your address so they are goingt to meet us there."

"Aye, man, there you are!" The one I guessed was Chandler, just because I already knew Julian and Danny. "And you must be Alexus." He smiled, pulling me into a big hug.

Julian was helping me pack up the stuff in my room. I decided to just leave the furniture and stuff, didn't really need it considering the full house Rob has. "So how was ya'll's date last night?" Jules asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "It was great, we went out to eat and then he rented out the drive in and we watched The Notebook. How are you and Mona?" I smirked. "I'm taking her out after we get done here. You were right, I'm getting really into her." I smiled, "That's great, I've always had feelings about these kind of things. I used to set up my friends in highschool all the time."

"So, how was the break from Tate for the night?" I bit my lip and looked down, blushing. "Oh, you nastys. You don't even have to say it, I already know and I regret asking." I laughed, "Okay, I won't get into detail, for the sake of your breakfast."

"I'm coming to ya'll's game this weekend." I nudged him. "So is Mona...."He smiled. "Oh god, this should be good.You better do well or she'll cuss you." He chuckled, "I don't doubt that, but I've got complete faith in us so yeah. I aim to please, Lex."

*Rob's POV*

"So, how on earth did you end up with this guy of all people?" Chandler asked Lex as we all sat down in the living room after getting everything moved from her house, apart from Jules who had to go out with Mona.She giggled and glanced at me, "Well, we need to tell this story don't we?" I smiled, "You start it, I'll take it when you need me to."

"Okay, so I was captain of the basketball team at our highschool way back then and I was practicing with one of my team mates, when this idiot and his friend decided to challenge us at 2 on 2. The deal being, if they won, I had to go on a date with him." She looked at me smiling, signaling me to go now.

"I had tried so hard when I got to that school to get her to give me the time of day, which she turned me down a million times before then. We tried super hard to win that game and it came down to them winning by one point." I looked back over att her and she took the wheel.

"He was a good sport about it, so I let him take me out anyway. No guy had ever put that much effort into getting me to go out with him, so I figured why not. And we ended up being together for a year and creating the best kid ever, before going our separate ways, but here we are again." 

I nodded and reached over taking her hand, "It's like we were never meant to be apart forever, it was going to happen one way or another."

"Ya'll make me feel so single, like damn." Chandler laughed."Man, you could so land a girl in no time, if you'd try." I told him." I know, I'm just a busy man.And I don't think any of my exes were really wife material." He said, jokingly.

"Come here, girl!" Chandler gave Lex a big hug, before she walked to my car. He then walked up to me and we bro-hugged, "Man, she is a keeper. I really like her." I nodded, "She is, believe me, I know." He looked off and said, "Be careful, man. I wouldn't want her to get hurt, alright?" I nodded, "I get it, man. She's changing me though, her and Tate are changing me."


We got to Tom's, while Lex went upstairs to find Tate, Tom and I sat in the living room. "So how'd it go?" He asked. "It was great. We ate dinner and I took her to the drive in for the first time, we had a blast." He furrowed his brows together, "What movie?" I shrugged, "The Notebook." Tom chuckled, "That's a good movie, for a chick flick anyway.How'd it go after? Julian said she blushed like mad when he asked her about the time at home with out Tate...." I rolled my eyes, "You and Jules gossip like teenage girls, I swear."

*Back To Lex's POV*

I walked into Ben's room to see Tate passed out in the bed. Well, the kid's regular bedtime is about this time, which is 9.I picked his bag up and then gathered him in my arms.Ben and John were in John's room I assume.

"Hey, how was your date?" Gisele asked from behind me, startling me a bit. "It was great, I had an awesome time. I never realized how much he really remembered about me." She chuckled, "From what Tom has told me, he's crazy about you.Are you going to the game Sunday?" I nodded, starting to walk down the stairs with her by my side." Great, maybe we can hang out a little there? I know the boys got along really well.Tate give us anyproblem at all, he actually was better than most kids I've seen." I smiled, "I'd really like that.I think I raised him pretty well to have done it alone, but I'm pretty sure a crazy side like Rob's will come out eventually." She laughed, "Well, I wouldn't mind watching him again, he's a little sweetheart."


We got home and Rob put Tate to bed, while I laid down, completely exhausted from all the moving today.

I felt Rob slide next to me in the bed and he wrapped his arms around me, cuddling me into his chest. "Chandler liked you, a lot." He chuckled. I smiled, "I'm glad, he seems pretty great." 

He kissed my temple and looked down at me, "Aww, is my baby sleepy?" I yawned and sarcastically said, "Nah, what would ever give you that idea?" He smirked, "Sounds like last night did a number on you." I rolled my eyes, "You are ridiculous, Mr. Gronkowski." He laughed, before it turned into a yawn.

"For the record," I started, "I'd much rather have you than Christian Grey any day."

He laughed and kissed me goodnight, "Good, because you are stuck with me. Goodnight, Lexibear. I love you."

"I love you, too, Mr. Gronkowski."

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