1. "Extra Tutoring"

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Y/n's POV

I groaned as the final bell rang. Class was over. School was over. Being a burnt out gifted kid wasn't exactly fun. I slowly closed my text book and shoved it into my book bag

I got up, being the last student to leave the class room. Just as I was about to step out into the hallway, into freedom. I heard a voice.

"Y/n! Could I speak with you for a moment?" I heard my teacher call me.

I cursed under my breath and turned around to face my teacher. His gray hair dropping right beside the tip of his eyebrows and curving just above his eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Sugawara?" I said walking over to his desk.

I had on a fake smile.

"Your grade in my class has dropped due to you getting an 81 on the last test. Your grade is currently a 89. It's kinda a waste, isn't it?" He asked.

"Um yes sir?" I replied kinda confused on where he was going with this.

"I'll tell you what, you can retake the test. Just stay after school tomorrow. Of course you'll have to do a review assignment first before taking the test. I'll check the review assignment to see if you got the questions right and after that you can retake the test." He offered.

"Um that would be great but are other kids coming? There's a lot of students that got lower grades then me-"

"Let's just keep this a secret, okay?" He said cutting me off.

"Oh um yes sir." I replied still confused.

"Your dismissed." He said pointing at the door.

"Thank you." I said and bowed before leaving the door.

The hallways were filled with only a couple students. The rest had already left. Keep it a secret? But why? Maybe it's for the best.

After all he might just be trying to help me out. If my grade is a 89 it would be kinda a waste after I did so well on my midterms. I was a third year attending Karasuno high school.

I had gotten all A's the whole time I went to school here. I wanna go to a good collage so that I can become an animator.

Kinda dumb, right? Well some of the best art schools are actually really hard to get into. You have to get good grades and be good at art.

I'm in the school art club, although I don't talk to anyone there. In fact I don't really talk to anyone. I sit alone during lunch. I'll usually draw in the art room while eating.

It's quite and no one bothers me. That's how I like it. I won a few art competitions and got my family some money from it.

My mother and father support it. I plugged in my earphones as I walked down the street towards my house.

I spun around in a circle as I walked. I took in a deep breath and finally made it to my house. I checked the mail before walking up the drive way and unlocking the door. I opened it and took off my shoes.

"Oh your home?" My mother asked as she poked her head around the corner.

"Yeah, sorry if I was late. My teacher wanted to talk to me." I said putting my bag down and entering the kitchen.

I opened the fridge which had many awards on it. Some of them said "f/n l/n first place in prefecture art competition" some of them said school. I bent over to look in the fridge.

"What did they wanna talk about?" My mother asked while mixing a bowl of something.

It was probably a for our dinner tonight.

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