Ending #2

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A quick disclaimer if you came from ending #1 half of this chapter is the same as that one. If you don't wanna reread the same thing over again then just look for the ⭕️ and then you can start reading from there:)

You try to escape but fail and you end up back with Suga

Yuna's POV

I carried bags in my hands as we walked into the house.

"Oh your back. You took her with you?!" Kuroo asked as we walked through the front door.

"Yeah because your drunk ass punched her and I couldn't trust you at the moment." Sugawara said as he took off his shoes.

"Well I'm all sobered up now." He crosses his arms. "I bet you I punched her for a good reason and you didn't even punch her that hard."

"You punched me because I didn't know where Kenma was." I said blankly as I took off my shoes.

"I-well I'm sure I didn't even punch you that hard." He replied.

"My nose was bleeding." I said to him as I walked past him and followed Sugawara to the kitchen.

I placed the bags on the floor. The power was still out and candles were lit everywhere.

"Hmmm the refrigerator isn't working right now but there's nothing we can do. I'll just put these away for now." He said pointing to the groceries.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked.

"No, no, I have my own way of organizing things and I only understand it." He said.

"Well what can I do to help?" I asked.

"Keep me company." He said.

I jumped onto the counter and sat down. I grabbed a candle next to me. It was vanilla scented?

"Why do you have so many candles?" I asked as the whole house practically seemed like the power was on due to the amount of candles.

"I don't, I think maybe 2 of them are mine. The rest are Kuroo's." He said putting stuff away in the cabinets.

"Woah he must be a crazy candle lady instead of a crazy cat lady." I joked.

"I heard that!" I heard Kuroo yell from somewhere.

Sugawara and I both chuckled. He started to finish up putting the groceries away (he really turned into the flash).

"Alright, let's dye your hair." He said holding the hair dye box.

Right at that moment Kuroo walked into the kitchen.

"Ah Kuroo, where's Kenma?" Sugawara asked.

"Oh he was being bad again so I locked him in the basement." He said.

Seriously? Again? Well that makes things easier for me anyways. I can just pick him up from the basement when we're gonna escape.

"Why'd you need him?" Kuroo asked.

"I was gonna ask him to help her dye her hair." Sugawara said holding up the box.

"I can do it myself." I said to him as I held up my hands as a signal to throw me the box.

He threw it to me and I caught it.

"Don't let your hair fall out." He warned.

"I won't." I said as I jumped off the counter top. "I'm gonna go dye it now. Do you have any towels that I can ruin?" I asked.

"Uhh just use any of the big ones." He said.

"Okay thanks." I said as I went up to the room.

I entered the bathroom. There were candles in here as well. Jeez the whole house must have candles everywhere.

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