8. Shower and Sleep

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Yuna's POV

3 days. I've been in this stupid basement for 3 days. When the hell was Mr. Sugawara gonna come back to get me?

Was he just gonna let me rot down here? Most likely now, right? What was the whole reason he abducted me anyways?

When I asked him what he wanted all he said was "you" What is that supposed to mean? This whole situation was getting me frustrated because I couldn't figure it out. At least one more day and I'll die of dehydration.

That's a thing to look forward to. Ugh this whole thing is dumb. I also needed to pee. I'm actually considering peeing my pants or somewhere in a corner.

I was getting sick of this basement. All I've had with me is my thoughts. And my thoughts aren't really that fun.

As I was thinking the heard the basement door open which made me jump. I saw someone come down the stairs. It was Mr. Sugawara.

"Hey Sugar, I'm sorry you had to be down here for so long but you needed to learn your lesson." He said while squatting down to face me where I was sitting. "Come on, let's go back upstairs." He said and reached out his hand as he stood back up.

I hesitantly took his hand and stood up. His hands were soft and they felt like silk. (You cannot tell me that his hands are not soft😼) he slowly brought me up the stairs and I finally saw light after 3 fucking days.

He then brought me out of the hallway and back up the stairs and to the room that I had woken up in before.

"Here take this and take a shower, after your done you can wear these and then come out. I'll give ya something to eat and drink." He said while shoving a towel, a gray hoodie, and what looked like a pair of sweat pants into my arms. "The bathrooms right there." He said and pointed at a door in the room.

I had accidentally walked into that room when I was looking for a way out of this room. I didn't say anything to him just walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I turned on the light and saw myself in the mirror for the first time in days. My lips were crusty and bleeding, my hair was messy, and I had dark circles under my eyes.

God I looked terrible. I placed the clothes that he had given me on the toilet and hooked the towel on towel rack. (I didn't know what a towel rack was until I had to search it up for this💀)

I slid opened the shower door. I slipped off my clothes and then I realized that I still had the bandage on my wrist.

I slowly unwrapped it having no clue what Mr. Sugawara had carved into me. I threw the bandage in the trash can. I couldn't quite see what he had carved into me because there was too much dried blood. I

can see it later. I turned on the shower and warm water started to come out of the shower head. I sighed in relief as it felt like all my problems were melting away.

I shampooed my hair and also conditioned it. I got the body wash and started to wash my body.

I rubbed off the dried blood on my arm gently with my hand as it still kinda hurt. I could make out some words. K? O? S? H? I? (Yes I know that you can also spell his name like Koushi.) A name? Don't tell me that this is his first name? Honestly it didn't even matter anymore.

I finished showering and I wrapped my body in a towel. I dried myself and put on the clothes that Mr. Sugawara had given me. An oversized gray hoodie as well as a pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants.

The hoodie smelt like warm vanilla and cinnamon. It was comfy until I realized this was probably his. I dried my hair with the towel as best I could and

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