11. Library and the store

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Yuna's POV

I sipped the last bit of my tea as I continued to stare out the window. The thunder struck again. Kenma had left a while ago to do something. I don't know what he does all day. But I thought about it for a second.

If the power goes out does that mean the gate is open? Probably not, right? It has to have a back up generator. But this house is old and there's a chance that it doesn't. So if Sugawara is going to the store then that's our chance, right? No that would be rough because Kuroo is probably gonna stay here.

If the power doesn't come back on by tonight then we can leave. But that's if the power even goes out at all.

"Oh your still here?" I heard someone say.

I looked over and it was Kuroo.

"Aren't you dealing with a hang over?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I just have a headache." He said as he stretched his arms into the air.

I looked back over at the window.

"Where's Kenma?" He asked.

"How should I know? Ate and then left a little while ago." I replied.

"I don't like your attitude." He said frowning.

"I don't have a attitude-" I felt a sharp pain on my cheek.

He had punched me. I felt something drip from my nose.

"Okay it's clear your still kinda drunk." I said getting up and holding my nose. "Find Kenma yourself." I said as I walked off.

I went back up the stairs and into "my room". I opened the door and Sugawara was on a laptop sitting on the bed. He looked up at me and looked back down and then immediately looked back up.

"Sugar what happened?? Are you okay??" He asked immediately getting out of bed.

"I'm fine Kuroo just punched me." I said walking past him and into the bathroom.

"Why did he punch you?" He asked.

"I dunno. He said I had a attitude when I said I didn't know where Kenma was. He's still kinda drunk. I'm fine." I said as I put wiped off the blood with toilet paper. "But he can punch. My jaw fucking hurts." I said moving my jaw.

"Watch your language." He warned.

"Oops, sorry." I said showing no emotion.

"I'll go talk to Kuroo." He sighed.

"He's still drunk. It's not his fault." I raised my voice as he started to walk off.

"I know, I know." He said as he walked out of the room.

I wiped the last bit of blood off and threw the toilet paper in the trash. I rushed downstairs and tried to look for Kenma. I honestly didn't know where he went. I looked in all the rooms when I stopped and found him in the room with the piano.

"Kenma, Kuroo's looking for you." I said as I entered the room.

"Oh, okay." He said softly and stood up from the piano seat.

I stopped him before he left the room.

"If the power goes out, tonight. At 2:30." I said to him.

He nodded and left the room. I shortly followed after and found Sugawara and Kuroo in the dining room.

"I didn't mean to. See she's fine." Kuroo said as he put his arm around me.

"Please get off me." As I took his arm off my shoulder.

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