🍋9. Sick🍋

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Yuna's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry. I had a headache. I couldn't see if it was night or day outside. He had shut the curtains in the room. I sat up. When I looked over to my side Mr. Suga- Uh I mean Sugawara?

Was missing. It's weird not thinking of him as a teacher. I groaned as a ringing in my ear started to appear. I brought my knees up to my chest and laid my head down in between them. Just wait for it to pass.

"Uh Yuna?" I heard a voice say.

It was Sugawara.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I looked up and it looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. His hair was dipping wet and he had only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Do you have any Advil or Tylenol?" I asked not even acknowledging the fact that he was only in a towel.

"Uh I think so, why?" He asked as he walked into the closet.

"I have a headache." I said while putting my head back down.

"Oh okay, just wait. Let me get dressed first." He said as I heard him rummaging through the closet.

I closed my eyes. The ringing in my ears were getting a bit more silent. I heard him leave the room and after a few minutes come back.

"Here." I heard him say as I felt him sit down on the bed.

I lifted my head up to see him holding a glass of water and a blue, white, and red pill.

"Thank you." I said as I took the pill from his hand and tossed it in my mouth.

He handed me the cup of water. I took it sipped the water. I flicked my head back and then swallowed.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About 11pm." He replied. "Did I tell you how good you look in my clothes? I saw you sleeping and you looked so cute." He said getting closer to me.

"Uhh thanks?" I replied not really knowing how to respond.

He slowly crawled closer to my face until he was a few centimeters away.

"Suga!" I heard from the door.

It startled me and I jumped. I looked behind Sugawara and it was Kuroo.

"God damnit Kuroo this was a important moment." Sugawara Said.

"Uh Sorry?" He replied looked confused.

"Anyways What did you want?" Sugawara asked as he stood up from the bed.

"Oh right, did you eat yet? Do you want anything for dinner?" Kuroo asked.

Sugawara looked over at me to answer the question. I just shook my head no.

"No thanks Kuroo. Uh by the way, where's Kenma?" Sugawara asked him.

"Ah He was being bad again so I locked him in the basement." Kuroo replied.

He was stuck in the basement again? He must be terrified. I gotta at least let get him out of here. I gotta figure out everyone's "schedule" so that I can match a perfect time to escape. I think if I had enough time I could just wing the whole wiring thing.

I mean theoretically I could just pull out and break all the wires. Or find the remote so I don't think that's gonna be a problem anymore. I was thinking when I heard Sugawara close the door.

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