4. Mother

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Yuna's POV

Well either I'm dumb as fuck or he's really telling the truth.

"Are you being serious right now? This isn't a dream?" I asked him.

"That's right, now eat." He said shoving the rice ball in my face.

"Well in that case..." I said before screaming at the top of my lungs.

Mr. Sugawara quickly covered my mouth with his hand.

"Shut up before I fucking torture you until you wished you were dead." He said to me.

I quickly shut up. He slowly removed his hand from my mouth.

"Good, now eat. I have a phone call to make." He said shoving the rice ball into my mouth and then standing up.

He dialed a number on his phone. If he's making a call right in front of me then that most likely means that the person he's calling knows that he kidnapped me. Or he's just plain out dumb.

"Yea, Hey Kuroo." He said through the phone.

Kuroo? Who was that?

"Yeah everything's been good. I was wondering, how's Kenma? I know you've had him for a while now." He asked.

Had. Had. Had. Was Kenma abducted by Kuroo? I needed more clues.

"Ah, is that so? I was wondering since you know about my little....situation." He said looking over at me. "Do you wanna move in with me? I just inherited my grandparent's house. It's near Tokyo. Just a couple miles out. It's in a forest." He explained.

So we're going to Tokyo. Dumb move. You've underestimated me.

"Yeah, sure. Tomorrow? Yeah I'll send you the address. Don't worry I've already packed most of my stuff. Your on the move a lot so I'm sure you can move in by then. Yeah, sure. Bye." He said and then hung up.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Well, it looked like we're going to Tokyo." He said smiling at me.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"Where's your usual 'sir'?" He asked pouting his lip.

"I just want to know what you want with me." I said to him.

"Well that sugar, is simple. I want you." He smiled. "Why do you think I went through all this trouble to capture you? I packed most of my stuff last night so we can get moving tonight." He said and patted my head. "Now sit there and look pretty while I pack the rest of my things."

"Can I at least use the bathroom?" I asked.

"No." He replied.

"Do you want me to pee my pants and pee all over your carpet?" I asked.

"You know after you get pasted your formal side, you have a really bad mouth."

"No I don't. I only speak to you this way."

"Well that's nice to know." He smiled sarcastically. "I'll take you to the bathroom in a minute. Just let me finish packing a few things."

"So I'm just supposed to sit here?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, now shut up before I put your gag back on." He said frustrated.

Good. Get angry. When people get angry they get careless. You make more mistakes because your not thinking as clearly.

Now, all I needed was a plan to escape. I doubt I was asleep for more then a day. If we're talking about running I don't have much stamina.

I barely managed to pass gym class. I don't have much strength either. I know about Mr. Sugawara's athletic past. There's no way I can beat him in a fight.

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