2. Teacher at my house

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Y'all just pretend Yuna says y/n

Y/n's POV

"Yuna! Come down here!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs.

I groaned and rolled off my bed. I had stayed up late last night finishing an art project for a competition I was entering.

"Hurry up Yuna!" My mother yelled again.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'll be right there!" I yelled back.

I stood up from the ground and tied my hair in a low bun as I ran down the stairs.

"What is it?" I asked.

I then saw my mom standing at the door and Mr. Sugawara standing outside. He had on a light blue scarf and a long black coat.

"Oh um Mr. Sugawara, What are you doing here sir?" I asked as my mother moved out of the way so that I could talk to him.

"Well, I graded your test last night and I wanted to give it to you in person." He said handing me back my test.

It had a big "100" written in the top right corner of the packet. It was written in red pen and also had a circle around it.

"Well, thank you sir." I said to him.

"Oh my! You came all this way to give back a test?! Well the least I can do is make you some tea. Come in! Come in!" My mother said shoving me out of the way.

"Oh well thank you." Mr. Sugawara said while entering.

He took off his shoes.

"Come this way, sit down and I'll make you some tea. Yuna, keep your teacher some company while I make it." She said.

Mr. Sugawara turned to the left and entered my kitchen and sat down at the dining table. I put my test down on the staircase before also entering the kitchen and sitting down in front of him.

"I apologize for the way I'm dressed." I said to him.

I was wearing black sweatpants and an oversized blank white t-shirt.

"No, no it's fine. I'm the one who barged into your house on a weekend." He smiled at me while taking off his scarf.

It was December and it had snowed a few nights ago. All the snow still hadn't quite melted and it was also still freezing outside.

"So Yuna, do you have any siblings? It seems kinda quite in here." He said snapping me back to reality.

"Um no sir. I'm an only child." I replied.

"I'm not going through that painful labor again." My mother said joining the conversation.

Mr. Sugawara laughed.

"What about your dad?" He asked.

"He's currently at work. He the chief of the police." I explained.

"Ah I forgot about that. Your dad came in for the class a few months back, right?" He said.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"Here is your tea." My mother said handing both me and Mr. Sugawara a cup of green tea.

"Oh thank you." He said to my mother while taking it with both hands.

My mother sat down next to me with her cup of tea in her hands.

"So Mr. Sugawara, do you have a wife?" My mother asked him.

He chocked on his tea as he was in the middle of taking a sip.

"That came out of no where." He coughed.

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