7. Back to the Basement

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Yuna's POV

To my surprise I saw Kenma. He looked dirty. He had dirt on his face as well was on his clothes and arms. His legs were also cover in dirt and cuts as well as bruises.

Could he perhaps, tried to escape? I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Would he try to escape without me? Kuroo put his drink on the table in front of us and stood up.

"Come here Kenma." Kuroo demanded.

He was smirking like he knew that he couldn't escape. I put my arm on the arm rest that was on the couch. Kenma looked terrified.

He slowly stumbled over towards Kuroo. While he was walking past me he slipped what seemed to be a note into my hand. It was so sneaky I didn't even notice it until I realized the note was in my hand.

I quickly took my hand off the arm rest and slipped the note into my pants pocket. Kenna stood in front of Kuroo looking terrified.

"Why would you try to leave me? You made me sad." Kuroo said and unexpectedly pulled Kenma into a hug.

Kuroo started to pet Kenna's short blonde and brown hair.

"You know you deserve a punishment, right?" Kuroo asked Kenma.

I was too focused on what was going on with Kenma and Kuroo I didn't even realize that Mr. Sugawara had gotten up.

He was pulling on my arm as a signal for us to leave. I stood up and followed him out of the living room. He took me around through the back of the house where I saw a door.

He opens it and it lead to what looked like a garden? All the plants were dead but it still seemed beautiful.

There was a swing set in the far back. A fence wrapped around the entire garden tightly.

The fence was wood colored a bright shade of light yellow. Where the hell was he going with this? I needed to read the note that Kenma gave me. He brought me outside and the grass tickled at my feet.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere outside of the house. You can't be in there while Kuroos angry." He said not even taking a glance at me.

I stayed silent. What was gonna happen to Kenma? He walked a few more steps and then suddenly stopped. He grabbed my shoulders and sat me down onto the swing set.

"Now stay there. Don't do anything stupid." He demanded before running off back inside.

Don't do anything stupid? He really thought I was gonna listen to him? After a few minutes and I confirmed that he was gone and he wasn't watching me.

I took the note out of my pocket. I moved my feet and let the ropes that tied the seat of the swing move back and forth.

The note read "get in trouble. Trust me." The hand writing was messy and it looked like he rushed to write the note. Get into trouble?

What does he mean? I don't fully trust him yet. He could be working with those two for all I know and testing me.

But he seems desperate. Fine I'll get into trouble I guess. But I don't know what he means by that. I got up from the swing and shoved the note back into my pocket

. I stood on a old bags of soil. That were piled on top of each other. I looked over the fence. I saw a few yards of grass and then trees. Could I climb over this fence and then get caught on purpose?

How much trouble did he want me to get in? He didn't specify anything. Ugh fuck it. I put some strength in my arms and lifted myself over the fence.

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