3. Dream?

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Yuna's POV

"Yuna? Yuna!" I heard someone say and felt someone shaking me awake.

"Huh?!" I yelled shooting up into a sitting position.

"It's time for dinner, did you sleep all day?" I saw my mother.

"Mom?" I asked.

"What is it?" She replied.

"Uh nothing, I'll be down in a minute." I said to her.

She then left my room and closed the door. That must've been a bad dream. But it felt so real. I shook it off.

I went to the bathroom in my room and washed my face. I patted it dry with a towel and quickly went down stairs. What I didn't expect was my teacher sitting down at my table.

"Hello Yuna." He smiled at me.

"Hello sir." I said and bowed. "Hey dad." I said as I saw my father.

"Hey sweetie." My dad replied as he patted my head and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

I sat down in my seat. My mother put down a bowl of udon in front of me.

"Mr. Sugawara came by again because he thinks he forgot his phone here, will you help us look for it after dinner?" My mother asked sitting down next to me.

"Uh sure." I replied.

I sat crisscross in my seat. Mr. Sugawara and my father sat across from me at the table.

"Mr. l/n, did you teach your daughter her good manners or was it Mrs. l/n?" Mr. Sugawara asked.

"I don't know where she learned her manners. My wife doesn't even have any manners." My father joked.

"It's true, she learned them by herself. It's quite odd." My mother said.

I just sat there awkwardly eating my noodles. They laughed and talked. After dinner we all looked for Mr. Sugawara's phone.

Mom and dad looked in the kitchen while Mr. Sugawara and I looked by the front door to see if it had fallen in any shoes or had somehow been kicked into the shoe closet.

"Um what color is your phone Mr. Sugawara?" I asked him.

"It's black and it's the smart phone 8 that came out last year." He explained.

I opened the shoe closet. To be completely honest this shoe closet hadn't been cleaned since three years ago so it was messy.

Mr. Sugawara kept looking around the front door. I looked in the shoe closet.

"Sir, are you sure you didn't drop it on the way back to your house?" I asked.

"Yup, I'm sure." He replied.

"Oh wait, I found it." I said.

I pulled out a black smart phone from a shoe that was all the way in the back of the closet. I don't even know how it got there. I handed it to him with both hands and while bowing.

"Thank you." He said taking the phone from my hands.

My mom and dad then came into the area that we were in.

"Oh you found it great! I was about to give up." My mother laughed.

"Sweetie you already gave up. You just sat there while I was crawling on the ground." My dad said.

My mother then slapped him in the back of the head. They then started to get into a fist fight. I sighed from getting sick of this happening too often. Mr. Sugawara chuckled.

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