6. Cuts and Betrayal?

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Yuna's POV

I could see light coming down from the stairs. I heard footsteps. Kenma backed into a corner like he knew something was coming. But when I saw who came down it was just Mr. Sugawara.

"Hey Yuna! It's a bit dark in here isn't it? Well it's where my grandparents kept me when I misbehaved. But I'm not saying you were misbehaving I'm just saying that I can't trust you while I'm distracted." He smiled.

He was a a mad man. He laughed like a maniac.

"I see you met Kenma." He said looking at Kenma who was hiding in the corner.

Kenma looked terrified. He must have gone through a lot to be scared of someone who he hasn't even met. Which made me wonder why he wasn't scared of me.

I then heard more footsteps coming down the steps. I'm guessing that was Kuroo. When he came down he had black messy hair. He was taller then Mr. Sugawara. He looked intimidating.

"So is this who you took?" He asked Mr. Sugawara while looking at me.

He rested his elbow on Mr. Sugawara's shoulder. He smirked at me.

"Hmm she seems a little skinny." He said walking over to me.

He squatted down and looked at me.

"She almost failed gym class." Mr. Sugawara laughed.

Okay he didn't need to share that part.

"Kenma!" He said not taking his eyes off me.

Kenma jumped as he was startled.

"Did you talk to her yet? You should introduce yourself." He said and looked over at Kenma.

"I- I already did." He replied softly.

"Kuroo's an old buddy of mine." Mr. Sugawara said as Kuroo stood up.

"Well more of murder buddy." Kuroo corrected him.

Murder? H-he's a murderer? W-what?

"Yup, we did commit a few murders together, I don't recall it was more then 5. I think we just helped burry each other's bodies more." Mr. Sugawara said.

He says it like it's normal. I frowned.

"Aw sugar don't be mad. I didn't kill anyone who had to do with you." He said as he saw me frown. "Anyways I brought this." He said and took a knife out of his back pocket.

Oh hell no. I'm not dealing with this shit.

"Kuroo said I should mark you." He said walking over to me.

Mark me? What the fuck?

"Oi heat up the knife so it cuts through easier." Kuroo said and tossed what looked like a lighter to Mr. Sugawara.

Mr. Sugwara caught the lighter and started to heat up the knife. At this point I was starting to get terrified. What the hell were they gonna do to me?

"Don't worry sugar. It's only gonna hurt for a few seconds. I promise it will go by very quick." He said to me as he squatted down in front of me.

He grabbed my wrist. I was frozen in fear. My arm was shaking. He held the knife towards my forearm.

"Wait you forgot to-" I heard Kuroo say but he got cut off.

Mr. Sugawara had already started to push the knife into my forearm. Kuroo got cut off by slamming his hand against my mouth which cause my head to slam against the brick wall. Tears filled my eyes as pain struck in my arm.

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