5. The boy and the basement

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Yuna's POV

I sat in the passenger seat of Mr. Sugawara's car. There was an uncomfortable silence. The sound of the car engine and from time to time the sound of him turning on his blinker.

When he took me to the bathroom I didn't mange to find a bobby-pin but on my way out I did mange to snag a toothpick.

It wasn't the best but it'll have to work. I guess I could kinda use it as a weapon but I was gonna use it to pick a lock.

The only reason I knew how to pick one was because this one time for an art project we had to learn the inside of a lock and draw it.

I didn't understand the point of it but I figured out how to pick it after I learned all the parts to it. It was kinda common sense after you learn all the parts.

But the problem was is that the toothpick might break while it's in the lock. I looked out the window.

I shut my eyes tight as a muscle cramp came from my wrists and then up to my shoulders. Being tied up for a long time isn't fun.

I opened my eyes again as the pain slowly went away. I could feel his eyes on me. I didn't turn around to look at him. I just kept staring out the window.

"You should sleep, it's gonna be a long ride." He said.

His voice startled me. I flinched a little at the sound of it. I didn't reply.

"So your not gonna talk to me now?" He asked making a right turn.

I still ignored him.

"Suit yourself." He sighed.

He kidnapped me and he expects me to talk to him. He's funny. But I was kinda feeling sleepy again. I leaned my head back and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Yuna, yuna." I heard as someone was shaking me.

I opened my eyes.

"We're here." Mr. Sugwara said.

I looked out the window. It was pitch black. All I could see was up ahead from the car lights. I saw a giant house.

It was more like a mansion but it seemed old. The lights were off in the house. Mr. Sugawara got out of the car and walked over to my side. He opened the door and carried me.

He opened the door to the house. He turned on the light. I'm not gonna lie the house was beautiful.

The entrance had 2 staircases, one on the left and one on the right. There was a giant chandelier which hung above the ground.

"I used to come here as a kid. Man the memories." He sighed.

He walked around the house some more until we came to a door. He opened it and it there was a staircase going down.

The staircase was old. It was made of wood and it was rotting. He stepped down the stair case still carrying me.

So this was the basement. It was creepy. It was very small. There was a wall right in front of where the staircase ended.

You would have to turn right to see go to the actual area with space. The walls were made out of black thick bricks.

It the was covered in some kind of black ashy dirt. He set me down against the wall.

"Alright, I'm gonna untie you now. But you have to stay down here. Don't worry I'll only be gone while I'm unpacking everything. After that you can come back upstairs." He smiled as he started to untie my legs.

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