13: Body -Pt.2

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Ship: Broken up ??? (if you read the comments from Pt. 1 you'll know who-), background Demus
Story Type: Angst
Warnings: Panic Attacks, crying, past r*pe/sexual assault mention, Roman and Patton aren't nice in this story so if they're your favourite's; s o r r y .

This is a continuation; if you want you can read part 1 and then come back so the beginning makes more sense; but you don't need to; obviously.

3rd Person POV

Logan still had time home alone and decided to play the song; he knew it could potentially be a bad idea but the he quite enjoyed the music video. It wasn't a lot; it was simple yet powerful. He thought it may help to ease his mind slightly. And it did; for a little bit. The piano playing instead or just hearing his own voice was nice. He tried to compose himself but he simply couldn't. His ex's advancements stayed in his head for longer than they had for a while. Memories swarmed him. It was difficult to sing; or even breathe. Logan tried to focus on his breathing as much as possible; he got a little bit of rhythm but not enough to stop hyperventilating he simply closed his eyes, rocked both and fourth and tried to calm himself down.  

However, right before he could calm himself down, he heard a knock on the door. It was a loud knock. It sounded as if though they were trying to break the door. It was Remus. He always seemed to attack the door and Janus yelled at him every time; it was routine at this point. Remus smiled widely as he entered but as soon as he looked into the dining table he froze and dropped the food. "Hey! Why'd you.." Janus saw Logan "..oh..uhhh" they both walked up to Logan. Remus arrived to him first, be bent down to Logan on the floor and asked him what was wrong. Janus looked at Logan's laptop; and the song that had ended. It clicked in his mind. Logan's ex. No one knew who his ex was but they knew he did something bad. Well almost everyone knew. Patton and Roman weren't told. For whatever reason. 

Logan didn't answer, he couldn't. His mind was racing. He noticed Remus and Janus but when Remus got slightly too close he flinched and smacked his hand away "..sorry. Instinct"
"It's alright" Remus smiled; his non-creepy smile that wasn't shown very often. 
Janus sat next to the two of them. "We're here to support you, Logan"
Logan took a large breath.
"Thank you both" He took a short pause before deciding to speak again. "It's just I had the song in my head and Pat- I mean, my ex and I.. co-relate to the song I suppose" he sniffled. Remus jumped onto his feet to grab the tissues. "Thanks" 

Did he say Pat? As in Patton? He couldn't of; did he?  Remus and Janus were both thinking it could be... but it's Patton? He doesn't seem like the type of person who would- well we've never seen Patton in a relationship. If it's Patton then it makes sense why Roman doesn't know. Roman sees him as perfect.

 "Do you wish to talk about it?" Janus asked. After Logan stabilised himself and got up he spoke "Yeah, I would but maybe in my room? In case the others come home. I don't want them to worry too much" 
"Oh sure that's fine. I'll take your laptop!" Remus jumped up

They all went upstairs and walked into Logan's room and all sat down on the bed. Janus took his usual gloves that he wore. "So, now that you're calmer. May I ask you something"
"Of course"
"It's in regards as to who.. you're ex is"
"Oh, yeah you can ask" Logan said, a sad smile on his face, with Remus lightly hugging him.
"Is it.." he paused, not believing this (And this is J a n u s) "Is it Patton?"

Logan took another shaky breath, hugged into Remus more; and fiddled with his thumbs "....yeah" 

Janus and Remus just looked at each other. Patton? The sweet depressed cinnamon roll? 
"Please don't be weird around him because of.. this; he's still, you know, nice. Right?"

"But he hurt you, a lot" Remus stated

"I know.. but-"

"No." Janus spoke "I know he may be nice and all but he shouldn't be excused of such a horrible thing just because he's got a 'bubbly personality'. Sorry Logan, I know that may not be what you want to hear but I won't treat him with equal or more respect"

Logan was stumped, he didn't know what to say, expect for "Thank you"

It was basically a whisper but they both heard it. Janus, Remus and Logan all hung out for the rest of the day and night in their part of the 'mind palace'. They enjoyed their sleep, all huddled next to each other with a movie playing mindlessly in the background.

Word Count: 900

A/N: Hey^^ I'm sorry for not posting in a looong time.  I've been really busy with school now that I'm a senior and personal reasons as well. Also sorry if the ending is a bit short notice; I didn't really know how to finish it. However, I've got another chapter on the way so that'll come out soon (hopefully). I hope y'all are good, if not; it'll be alright. See ya!

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