14: Dear Diary

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Ship: Logan/Roman/Virgil (idk the ship name)
Story Type: ??? /Kinda angst? Idk- 
This is set after POF/SVS Redux. Also the dates go DD/MM/YY. There's also a little bit of swearing.

Logan's POV

It's been a rough day. I have an empty journal. Virgil stated that he had a diary to write his emotions. What if I do the same? But what if someone finds it? I doubt it; no one here takes others belongings. I grab the book and sit at my desk. I open the first page, what do I write?
Okay; let's just start.

"Dear Diary" I write; this is cliche. I continue writing.

"Today was rough. In the most recent 'Sander Sides' episode. I got impersonated as well as forgotten about and ignored. I guess I really am less important then I believed. Anyways, that episode taught me a lot. Patton can turn into a frog if he's overwhelmed. Deceit's name is Janus; he's also being accepted by Patton and I have a theory for the next episode. Since in the series everyone has an argument with each other and Patton and Virgil haven't been in one yet I feel as if Virgil and Patton are going to argue about Janus being a 'light' side. Roman will side Virgil and Janus and Patton will be arguing against them. And I... well I don't know where I'll stand. Remus will probably be confused. Maybe I should side with him; but they may be problematic.

Anyways; that's all for this entry.
Written on 1/5/2020

I audibly sighed and closed the book. I decided to leave it on the table as most people use a diary everyday.

~Timeskip a few days later~

"Dear Diary,

Today was been the same as since the episode was released. There's too much tension in the mind palace. I've resorted to exploring the imagination. I mean it goes on for forever. The tension in the mind palace is very high. Every time Patton walks into a room Roman is, Roman immediately does what he needs and leaves. He's hanging out with Virgil a lot more. Roman told Virgil what happened in the episode so it makes sense. Neither of them like Janus, and now Patton is on the fence with Virgil. It's so awkward for me; whenever I have breakfast at the same time as Patton I get the 'death stare'. But whenever I talk with Roman or Virgil, Patton looks sad and Janus looks visibly annoyed. I hardly see Remus so I don't know about him. He's probably staying in his imagination or his room; like me. Or rather he's pestering Thomas. Either way it's better than staying here.

Written on: 5/5/2020"

I went into the kitchen for dinner and see everyone in the same room. It's unusual. It feels.. weird. Roman made direct eye contact with me. He gives a small smile but his eyes are figuratively screaming for me to help. I don't know what to do. Do I help him? I walk to the table where everyone is sat and sit at the end; in between the two groups. "Hi Logan!" Patton says cheerfully. I say hi and nod at him. I feel so uncomfortable.

"Logan; do you want to hang out and watch movies with me~ and Virgil" Roman asks

"Sure; you've never asked me to hang out before" I say

"Well now's the time to change that.." Virgil said quietly

"I suppose so" I say with a small smile directed to towards them

The three of us leave and go into Roman's room. It's covered in posters of musicals and playbills. Some of the posters being signed. His bed has gold accents as well as a gold headboard. His bed sheets had red trim. Roman laid down. It certainly matched him. Virgil sat on the bed making a sharp contrast between him and the area around him. I followed what they did and sat on the bed. "Now; what movie are we watching?" I ask



"Pixar should suffice"

Roman made his signature 'offended princey noises'

"Technically, Pixar and Disney are one in the same because of Disney owning Pixar" I mention

"True; now what Pixar movie are we watching?"

"It's up for you two to decide"


After a little less than a minute Virgil asks about "Coco" Roman agrees and I do the same. Roman starts the movie on the TV and sits on the bed; leaning his back against the headboard. I just sit; so does Virgil and the movie has started. Every time a song plays Roman sings. I hum "Remember me" quietly whenever it plays. Roman snatched Virgil and I separately by the waist to pull us closer to the headboard so he could see better.

When he grabs me and pulls me he says "Damn; you feel fucking ripped" he lightly blushed of embarrassment as he realized what he had said.

"All I do is basic exercise everyday for my optimal health"

After that we all just continue watching the movie. I lean back slightly to get more comfortable when I notice Virgil's head is on Roman's shoulder. I turn my head back to the TV; it's the end of the movie and it's playing 'Remember Me' again. I hum along; this time Roman hears and tells me I can sing if I want to. I thank him but I don't. He sings it; after all; it's Roman. I decide I can sing, as long as it's quietly. After around 30 seconds Roman stops singing.

I do to; "Why'd you stop singing?"
"Because you started singing and I wanted to hear it"
"Why? You've heard me sing before, in episodes"
"Yeah, but it's different when you sing because you want to other than needed to; or it being about Crofters" he chuckles to himself a little bit. I smile at him. I tell them I should be getting back to my room. I leave; grab some food from the kitchen and walk into my own bedroom. I open my diary once more.

"Dear Diary,

Overall, today was a good day. Part of it was spent with Roman and Virgil in Roman's room. When he grabbed my waist to pull me closer to the headboard on his bed. I felt my face heat up; but it didn't feel like embarrassment. Also; when I saw Virgil's head on Roman's shoulder I felt... jealous? When they invited me to hang out with him I felt so happy; as if I was excited. Shit. I have romantic feelings for Roman. But I also feel like Virgil is really cute. Fuck. What do I do?

We'll find out soon I guess.

That's all for this entry.
Written on 6/5/2020

I put the book back to where it sits on my desk and go to sleep. The next morning feels better than the ones before. Maybe it's the events of last night. I walk into the kitchen to get my breakfast and I feel relieved as no one is there. While I was rinsing off my finished bowl of cereal Virgil came in.

"Salutations Virgil"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Uh, sure"
"Cool; first can we do it somewhere that isn't the kitchen?"
"Oh, that would probably be better"

I follow Virgil and he leads me to Roman's room. I'm confused but we go in.

"So; first. How do I wake Roman up?"
"Pinch his nose" I reply

He does so and is visibly surprised when it worked.

"Huh" Virgil states "How'd you know that?"
"Did it as a kid to wake him up so he could see Remus"

Virgil clears his throat "Now everyone's awake, Roman has something he say. Well I do. But I wrote it down for him to read because well, yeah, uh I'm.. me"

I chuckle slightly. That was cute. Virgil stares at me a little and Roman had now sat up as well as straightened his hair up. "What?"

"Nothing; it's just we don't hear your laugh a lot" Roman says; still partially asleep

"Roman,, can you read the note now. I don't want to be awkwardly standing here and I think Logan does either""

"Truthfully told; I don't overly mind. I quite enjoy both of your company" I say, sitting on the bed.

Virgil and Roman both give a genuine smile and Virgil hands the note from Romans bedside table.

I know this is probably a really bad time to end this but I've lost all motivation to finish this; I hope you enjoyed the uncomplete story lol. You can decide the future of it^^ 
If you want me to continue this, just ask and you shall (potentially) receive, lol.

Word Count: 1440

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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