10: Body

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Ship: No ship,, background ship is Demus (Trashnoodle)
Story Type: Angst!!!
Warnings: Panic Attack + Crying; past r*pe/abuse mention. Please tell me if there's more!

PS. If anything as serious as r*pe or abuse,,  is going on around or to you,, please know that you can get help. I'm always open as well to talk. You're not alone. Now, shall we begin...

Logan started humming a small tune in his bedroom while he was sitting at his desk, not realising what the song was. Logan kept on working when Patton came into his room to state that everyone was going out, Virgil, Patton and Roman were going grocery shopping and to a cafe to meet up Emile and Remy. While Janus and Remus were already out on a date,, they went to an amusment park. Patton invited Logan but he had poliety refused to go.

"Thank you though, Patton"

"No problem Lo, we'll see you in a few hours! See ya!" Patton yelled as he started walking away

"See ya"

Now that the house was completely empty Logan moved his work the the dining room, he found it more relaxing and it was quicker to make himself some tea. He began humming the same tune from before. He started to realise what the song was and pratically whispered the lyrics to himself.

I'm more than x3
Body, let me see your body
Take off all your makeup and your clothes
Trust me, why don't you just trust me
You're the only beauty show me more

He remembered how he had learnt the song and his voice slightly cracked. He began to sing a little louder.

You're not a dime a dozen
Oh you're skin is golden
Let me show the whole damn world

You're one in a billion
The only thing you're missin'
Is some tape over that mouth

He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream but most of all he wanted to be quiet, brave, emotionless somehow all at the same time. He didn't understand how that worked but emotions are complicated things.

Body, I'm more than my body
You can pack your things up, buh bye, just go
Body, I'm more than my body
Don't owe you a thing, no not at all

He smiled through his tears during that line. Tears? He hadn't realised that he had started crying.

I'm not a toy to play with
Not just a sight to see and my mind's worth it's weight in gold
I'm not a dime a dozen
I know I'm worth this, more than you will ever know

Logan wiped his tears off. This is his story, even if it's through someone elses words, it's his life, his story, his past.

Touch me, you just want to feel me
You just want to share me
You don't care at all
Trust you, why don't I just trust you?

Like before he was crying, this time he began to hyperventalate as well. Memories came sworming into his mind. He almost fell off his chair. This song wasn't just being sung for himself. It was being sung towards his ex. His ex.. was.. nice at first, compliments were given all the time to Logan, until those were just about his body. And then Logan said no to certain advances,, and he refused the no and did as he pleased to Logan. Whenever he pleased. Wherever he pleased.

You just want to use me, now I know
Body, I'm more than my body
You will never get me, buh bye, just go

I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than my body
I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than my body


I'm more than
I'm more than
I"m more than my body
I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than my body~
I'm more than x3

Sander Sides Oneshots [Logan-Centric] ((On Haitus))Where stories live. Discover now