2: Hanahaki

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Ship: Analogical, Roceit
Story Type: Small angst + Fluff

Thomas was making a new video. He tried to summon up Virgil and Logan but neither of them came up which was odd. Logan always shows up on time, after all he is logic. And Virgil shows up on time since the whole "ducking out" (quack) situation. Patton attempts to summon them up but it didn't work. What on Earth could they be doing?

Logan's POV

My mind is figuratively racing. Virgil came into my room to simply borrow one of my books but now here we are. I'm sitting up, leaning on my bedframe reading a book with Virgil on my shoulder. I have recently discovered that I have a romantic feeling towards the anxious trait. However I'm not certain that he returns the feeling since I've been coughing up purple flowers; Anemone flowers I believe. I searched it and apparently I have the "Hanahaki disease". A disease of one-sided love.

Virgil slowly wakes up as we both feel like we are being summoned.

"Good morning" I said sarcastically.

"Uhhh.. hi" he responded, still mostly asleep. I couldn't help but to smile at him.

"We are being summoned by Thomas for the video we are filming today"

"Oh, right"

They nod at each other and sink down and pop up at the living room where the others are.

"Where have you two been?! We called you one minute ago"

"Princey, it was one minute. Chill"

"Just be more chill" Patton beamed (Musical reference what's good).

3rd person POV

"Let's start filming!" Thomas clapped happily.

They were getting to end of the filming process. Logan has finished all of his lines, as well as Patton. Suddenly Logan started to cough. He walked away from the camera and microphone so he wouldn't interrupt the filming. He continued to cough until the beautiful purple flower with black on the inside came out, along with multiple petals and a splash of blood.

"Are you okay?!" Patton yelled noticing the blood.

"I'm quite alright Patton"

"You just coughed up blood!"

Everyone looked over at Logan and there was a drop of blood on his tie, and a bit underneath his mouth.

"Patton, it's alright"

"No it's not! Why did you just-"
He was interrupted by Logan coughing once more. Everyone was staring at him. He hid the flower to the best of his ability. Only Thomas noticed it.

Before thinking Thomas spoke up "What are you holding?" He asked curiously.


"You've never stuttered before.." Virgil whispered

"Emo nightmare's right, you don't stutter"

Logan's coughing was only getting worse when they kept talking about it. He's now in a large coughing fit, more blood came up this time and more flowers. Everyone stared wide-eyed at him. A.. flower?

"Why a flower?" Roman asked visibly confused.

Logan let out a large sigh. He walked over to a chair and sat down after wiping the blood away. His tie was now stained but he'll fix that later. Virgil was the first to walk up.

"Hey.. that's my favourite flower, Anemone" Then it clicked in Roman's brain

"He has the Hanahaki disease! Logan lov-"
Before Roman could finish his sentence Logan forced his mouth shut. Patton and Virgil  were confused

"What's Hanahaki?" Patton asked

"One-sided love" Roman said quietly, thinking about his own love life. (Oop-)

"You love someone?" Thomas spoke

Roman continued his explanation "Hanahaki disease is based on one sided love. The person that has the disease will cough up the other's favourite flower. So if Logan is coughing up Virgil's favourite flower than.." he trailed off at the end. He didn't need to explain any further.

Virgil grabbed Logan's hand and sunk out.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?!" He yelled.

"I was.. nervous" Logan said his body shrank slightly, his demeanor changed. "If I confessed, and you rejected me I would be dead"

He seems to be showing more emotion. He seemed more.. vulnerable. Virgil hugged him quickly like his life depended on it.

"Well ya idiot, I love you too. So you're not going to die"

Word count: 660

The flower:

Bonus (in regards to Romans love life):  Roman was left there with Patton and Thomas

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Bonus (in regards to Romans love life):  Roman was left there with Patton and Thomas. He decided to sink out before the fatherly side did. He sat on his bed wondering whether he should go to and confess to his 'prince in distress' yet more realistically he's the one in distress. He decided to stand up, sink down and he rose up in someones room.
"Hey.. I need to tell you something"

"What is it?" Deceit asked curiously

"Well, I, uh, well.."

"Take your time" The scaled side of his face was glistening from the sunlight shining in directly onto his face. The human side was wearing a smirk and had a slight pink tint to it.

"I.. iloveyouandIdidn'twanttotellyoubecauseIcan'thandlerejectionandIwasscaredthatyouwouldhateme. So.. yeah"

Dee simply blinked "What?"

Roman took a breath. "Dee, I love you"

He froze and stared at Roman. He wasn't lying, he knew when someone was. "The feelings mutual" he replied trying to stay calm.



Both of their faces were red. Roman ran up to him and kissed his cheek.

Word Count: 920

Also if you need a translation for what Roman said: "I love you and I didn't want to tell you because I can't handle rejection and I was scared that you would hate me. So.. yeah"

Hopefully I'll see you in the next chapter. Have a great rest of your day! PEACE OUT!

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