6: Field of Flowers

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Ship: Logicality
Story Type: Angst, cutesy (not fluff though, just cutesy)

Logan walked into an area filled with tall, beautiful flowers. He always came here with Patton, whether it was for a small picnic date or to simply talk about everything and anything; they both enjoyed it to the fullest.

Logan walked into the clearing that him and Patton found when they first came here. The spot was flattened now because of how many times they've visited and sat in that spot now. He would give anything to go back to the first day they came here but he knew that that wasn't possible. Logan sat down in the clearing and laid in the middle of it and sighed. He breathed in the spring air and looked into the sky where a few clouds were scattered around. His eyes directing his vision to everywhere around him. The flowers that were up to his knees when standing, the sun gleaming, the light blue sky. You could hear the birds chirping, and the flow of the stream not too far away. He stayed like that, laying down, for a while; he smiled to himself. It was genuine but it wasn't exactly happy.

He got up from his spot and walked to the path next to the stream. He strolled on the path until he reached to a specific tree. The tree was beginning to bloom it's flowers and leaves. It was Patton's and Logan's anniversary of when they first met. Logan leaned on the tree and practically became one with the nature around him. He was about to fall asleep when a beautiful butterfly landed on his knee. It was a beautiful light blue one, a morpho butterfly to be exact. Ever since Logan met Patton he found light blue everywhere. Patton talked to him about how he believed in reincarnation and how we would become a butterfly in another life. He never said the word "death" though. Everyone always thought that he would of wanted to become a cat, or dog maybe but he always said butterfly. Patton always surprised everyone. Like in high-school he did a large promposal for Logan, or how Patton was the only one that could make Logan laugh, the list could continue forever. 

Logan smiled as a singular tear fell down his face. "Patton, if you can hear me. I'll never forget you. I apologize for not being able to say a proper goodbye" He moved to the other side of the tree, to Patton's grave.

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could've said goodbye. However, I think I meet you as a butterfly just how you said" his voiced hitched "I-I just wish you were around longer. I miss you. I tried to come to you sooner than I should but luckily, I'm alive" 

He paused before speaking once more "I think I know what I would be when I'm reincarnated. I would become a moth. Similar to a butterfly but not quite. Anyways Virgil's doing well.."

Logan continued to talk about life, with Virgil, Roman, Remus and Janus. He talked about how Janus cooks now, everyone's relationship status, and more until it was dark. 

~With everyone else~

"Where is he?" Asked Janus

"I think I might know, I'll go get him" Virgil spoke and he stood up from the couch


Virgil was near the field, he got onto the path next to the stream and walked quickly. When he spotted Logan talking to the grave he slowed down. Logan kept talking and Virgil could hear what he's saying. 

"Anyways, I should be getting home, they're probably worrying about me. Virgil's probably going to be the one getting me" Logan chuckled "Anyways, I hope that butterfly was you. You're as handsome as your past life"

Virgil walked out "Hey, time to go home"

"Alright" He slowly got up and they went to the car listening to the quiet. 

When they got into the car Virgil spoke up "Hey, so I heard you talk about butterflies, I was just wondering, what did you mean?"

Logan smiled to himself "Patton always said that in his next life he would've been a butterfly, a butterfly landed on my knee earlier, it looked like how Patton would always describe it. It may of been a weird coincidence but I like to believe it's him"  

A/N: I'm really proud of this one so I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you for reading.

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