Chapter 3: then he doesn't eat at all

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Little did anyone know that a certain tea pot was coming up the stairs with his son, going to help the new boy his friend had told him about.

"Ah, there you are!"

Taka shot his head up and looked around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from

"Over here silly!"

And there was another voice. Either Taka had already lost it, or there was someone short enough to be hiding behind the little cart that strolled in with tea.

"Um...hello?" Taka said in a confused tone.

"Down here!"
Well. Taka was going nuts he desided. Becuase at that moment he looked down and saw that a tea pot with a human face was talking.

It had light red and orange markings on it, and what appeared to be a face with glasses. Next to the tea pot was a tea cup with similar markings, but no glasses and a younger looking face.

"What- who- how-" Taka kept cutting himself off but soon the tea pot did that for him with a soft chuckle

"My name is Taichi, and this is my son Chihiro!" He introduced them, not knowing just how much this situation was hurting Takas head

"You can talk?" "Yes." "But your a tea pot!" "So I am!" Taichi chuckled softly as he answered the simple qustions

"Then what are you...or rather I guess why are you here?" Taka finally asked.

The tea cup, who's name was apperntky Chihiro, finally spoke up "we're bring you to your room!" "But, this is my a prisoner-" "nonsense!" Taichi insisted "we can't have a young man like yourself be stuck up here. Yasuhiro, will you unlock this poor boy?"

"Sure dude!" And with that voice came up a walking, talking candelabra, the same one Taka had used before to light the path.

He jumped over and unlocked the door

"Thank you...sir?" "No problem, names Yasuhiro, but you can just call me Hiro thought!" He repiled, hopping out of the way.

Taka opened the door and walked out, the way being lead by Taichi, he made small talk with Taka, asking him qustions about where he lived how old he was and even if he was single.

Smooth Taichi, smooth.

"Well, here you go!"
Taka walked to the door Taichi motioned to and opened it.

The hole room was real with fancy gold ascents everywhere. It looked like a room he would have stayed in as a child
"I don't deserve this! I would much rather just stay in the cell!" "Not at all! Your staying here, after all, your our guest!"

Taka gave a look, showing he didn't belive the word 'guest' after what had happened before, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Now, get some rest!" Chihiro said with a giggle "You need it!"

Taka gave a soft smile "Thank you." He walked over to put his cloak in the wardrobe, there he got quite the supprise as a handle worked as an arm and took it for him, placing the cloak inside the wardrobe "Allow Gonta to help you with that!"

Taka was close to screaming as he jumped back "So everything in this place r-really is alive!" "Well, not everything, but most!" Chihiro corrected

"So you are Chihiro, your father is Taichi, the candelabra is Yasuhiro the clock man that joined us is Byakuya and the wardrobe is..." "Oh! Gontas name is Gonta Gokuhara!" "And the wardrobe is Gonta! Who knew I would meet so many peop- new friends when imprisoned!"

"I'm tellin ya dude! He's totally your type!" The bat (like, wooden bat) Leon insisted, fallowing his friend, who was the master of the house, around. "Dude, calm down. He doesn't even know my name. His father stole from us, and it's his own dang falut he took his place."

"Mondo, look at me! This man is our only chance to actully get back to normal! No offence but bein a baseball bat freaking sucks. Ya' know how hard it is to be something that wasn't invented yet?"
"Nevermind. The point is, who says he ain't the one, am I right?" Leon contiued, finally getting Mondo to consider "Fine. If you get him to come down for dinner I'll talk with him..."

"Naw man! Ya gotta do that yourself!" "Like hell I will!" He exclamed
"Look, be nice ya know? The chicks and dudes love it if ya gracefully ask em' out? Got it? No yelling and crap!"
With one last sigh for the conversation Mondo agreed "Got it."

Mondo walked to the room that Yasuhiro told him they moved Taka to. And he was not happy that they had done so without his consent.

"Hey." He said knocking on the door, starting to notice some of the servants walking or jumping over to see what would happen

"Who is it?" Taka asked walking over and opening the door. When he did his face went cold "Oh, you."

"Yeah, me. I wanna know if ya gonna come down to eat or what?"
"I'm not hungry." With that Taka slammed the door shut in Mondos face.











Well, that conversation didn't go well.

Taichi sighed "Well, I guess I'll bring his dinner upto him now."

Mondos head snapped twords the tea pot reminding him "If he doesn't eat with me, then he doesn't eat at all, and I don't need you trying to mess everything up again."

Mondo stromed out, just missing the fan on the walls comment "I think your furry butts messing this up." "I HEARD THAT HIYOKO" or rather, so she had thought.


Another chapter done!

Also, did you know baseball bats were invented in the 1800s? Yeah, I googled it just for this fic lol

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you all for reading it! It means a lot to me that you all are enjoying this!

Also im feeling a lot more motivation to write this so thats a plus! Lol

Anyway, that's all!

God bless you and have a great day!!!

Word count is 1,073 words!

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